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Pierre Acknowledges Need For Review To Speed Up Government Services


In the face of criticism of government services that frustrate the public, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has agreed on the need for a review.

“Some of these services need review, they need re-engineering for the system to go faster,” Pierre asserted.

The Castries East MP told the HTS programme ‘What Makes Me Mad’ last week that even he sometimes complains.

“Sometimes that bureaucracy is necessary but it frustrates me, so much less the public,” Pierre told Host Stanley Lucien.

He explained that more services were coming on the DigiGov system.

That system provides a range of online services across several government Ministries.

Pierre said he would propose an online survey so the public could make recommendations.

“We are trying to make it easier for the public,” he stated.

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  1. It is important and most necessary to complete the modern Hospital in the southern sector of the Island. It is believed that the Structure itself is about sixty percent complete, and after a year plus in Office, this could have been competed and ready for operation.
    It is rumoured that the Structure is viewed by one or two in Cabinet as a potential place for a Hotel or to be sold to a buyer for whatever; these have vowed to deny Chastanet of any credit on his stay as P.M. of St. Lucia. The small Island pettiness and myopic thinking still rains in St. Lucia. I pray for wisdom for our P.P. to do that which is right for the people with Blessings.

  2. Not only in need of review – in need of professionalism as well. You should not get personal with the public when you are employed in the public sector. Let me share my story –

    I was born in St. Lucia. After I graduated I applied for a job with the government – I remember the interview was across from the CCC. At the interview site, I took an exam and passed the exam with flying colors.

    However, I overheard the woman in the back of the office say to a gentleman – we can not hire her and give her the job because her grand mother is a labor party member -could you imagine??????. I did not get a job in St. Lucia because of my grand mother’s party affiliation-NOT MINE. My grand mother was born in the year 1907 and was a member of the labor party even when Sir John Compton was a part of the labor party.

    Mind you, I was not even old enough to vote at that time and to this day have never voted in St. Lucia because I left. I could not believe what I was hearing – I was so disappointed that I left the St. Lucia and traveled abroad the following year. I am so thankful to God because he has opened up many doors for me with this move both educationally and in my medical career. What that lady meant for evil – God turned it around for my good. She did not even know she really did me a favor with her under handed dirty dealing unprofessionalism.

  3. Of course! Consultancy for turncoats who financed your campaign when they saw the tables turning. Now, they digging out your eyes for repayment whilst your die hards suffer. These people eat under any government and you foolishly fell for the con because of how desperate you were for power. Stupid is as stupid does.

  4. I no longer live in St Lucia, but still have dealings with various Public Service Departments, and all I can say is I have never come across a more lazy, rude, arrogant, ill informed and unprofessional set of “Public Servants” anywhere in the world. Of course there are exceptions, although not too many. Once ensconced in those jobs staff seem to do as they please, for example the only two staff in a section of the immigration department both going off for “morning tea” at the same time for ONE WHOLE HOUR while the small, hot room was crammed full of people waiting to be attended to. One pregnant woman fainted, and it was only the public who helped her, not the staff. Shocking. Also people from the Land Dept going on Leave, and no one knew when they would return – this happened often. No accountability. A much stronger Code of Conduct and ethics must be enforced if things are to get done efficiently in Sent Lisi, and to stop it being a laughing stock, even among other Caribbean people, not just developed nations. Have pride in your work, and give the Public the “Service” you were employed to.


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