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Felix Acknowledges Differences Over Who Should Lead UWP


Choiseul-Saltibus MP Bradley Felix has acknowledged differences within the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) over who should be the leader amid reports of infighting.

The UWP says it is regrouping after being voted out of office at the July 26, 2021, general elections, which the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) won by a landslide.

“Yes, there are differences in terms of who should be political leader, but that is natural. That is what you call democracy,” Felix told reporters.

“People will not always favour one individual,” he explained on the sidelines of Tuesday’s House of Assembly sitting.

However, the former government Minister noted that the upcoming UWP convention would settle such matters.

“It’s not the first time we have had that sort of, you know, fighting as to who should lead,” Felix declared, adding that it was democracy at work.

Nevertheless, he declared that the UWP was united in its conviction that the SLP administration was committing many errors and not ruling the way the party had advertised.

Felix said the UWP would be ready whenever elections are called, whether next year or when constitutionally due.

As to whether he would contest the party leadership, his response was: “Well, if my name comes up, we will see how that goes.”

“You must always be prepared for anything,” Felix declared when asked whether he was ready.

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  1. Former PM will emerge as leader at the national convention. The family name and his financial supporters will ensure his victory.

  2. Bradley Felix has not shown me he can be leader. No one other than Chastanet has been defending the UWP. Only two individuals that keep defending and letting their voices heard consistently are Allen Chastanet & Dominic Fedee. Fedee lost but you swear he won his seat unlike Bradley who is quiet. Chastanet again will be victorious. Two ministers that were more vocal and out there were Chastanet & Guy but the others want to be quiet and get to be political leader.

  3. ‘If your name comes up you will see how it goes’
    What planet do you people live on?
    In what metaverse will someone like you be asked to lead a sovereign state? Even your answer shows how pliable and indecisive you are.
    Yes you Bradley are a ‘nice’ guy but are a hundred miles away from leadership material.
    And that is what is wrong with the UWP. Every member wants to be leader or chairman or ambassador or councellor or have a high grade civil service job irrespective of their qualifications.
    Bradley – you should have respectfully declined but instead cause more confusion by leaving it open for you to be leader! What a joke!
    No wonder the party is in trouble!

  4. To be fair to Bradley he has done an excellent job defending the pass administration in Parliament. He may not be a vocal person like Fedee who is doing an excellent job. As far of leadership is concern, the party has enough leadership qualitis but they will have to wait their turn. Chas is the man.

  5. Bradley Felix is a good man and a good people’s representative. He has the potential to be a good prime minister. The UWP is at its worst state since its founding by Sir John and Sir George Mallet.
    The party needs a general cleansing. All opportunists and power-mongers must be stopped in their tracts. It is time to bring in new blood.

  6. Give Guy a chance. The man is a fighter. I would personally enjoy seeing Guy and Chas go at each other, that way all the skeletons would eventually get out of the closet.

  7. Do St. Lucians really want F. W De Klerk to be in charge of the uwp party again? Only the servants of Micoud south will want that. We want a Mandella, not de Klerk.

  8. Thank you ANT, I like it when you write; you are the one who only make sense, and I think you have the required wisdom to be one of the leaders in St. Lucia today. I don’t know where you are located, but if in St. Lucia, look to the Heavens – great things above – be Ye Blessed. Amen.


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