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‘No Documented Outbreak Of Sexually Transmitted Infections’ In Saint Lucia

It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs that there is information circulating on social media of an outbreak of sexually transmitted infections and the shortage of certain medication to treat some of these conditions.

To date, the Ministry of Health would like to inform the public that there is no documented outbreak of sexually transmitted infections in Saint Lucia. The Ministry will continue to monitor and evaluate the trend of sexually transmitted infections on the island.

At this time, the Ministry of Health is encouraging persons who believe they may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection to visit their nearest wellness center, the Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinics at the Vieux Fort Wellness Center and the Castries Wellness Center, or their private health care providers.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs would like to inform the public that medication to treat sexually transmitted infections is available in both the public and private sectors.

Take control of your sexual health.

Practice safe sex.

Get tested

And if you need to

Get treated

For further information, please contact:

The Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic at the Castries Wellness Center on the second floor, Monday to Friday at telephone numbers:

468-8886 or 468-8887


The Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic at the Vieux Fort Wellness Center on Tuesdays at telephone numbers:

468-7985 or 468-7986

SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs. Headline photo: Stock image


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  1. so there is a sexual disease outbreak on the island!! once they come out with statement like that, know they trying to hide something! sumeting going on!! My gosh!!! You lucians sleeping around too much. the young ones really dread!! imagine one silly little mistake for less than a minute and you sick forever and have to be on pills till the day you depart,. the people also have good days and very bad days even when they on pills.

  2. Just practice safe sex all the time and take responsibility for your own health. Then you won’t have to worry…

  3. Yes.. you lucians too nasty. always sleeping with each other’s men and women. so when one in the circle have it, they all getting it. and st lucia is a small place so this spreading like wildfire because everybody know everybody and they fopping each other directly or indirectly. the internet young generations salop for so. women giving horn. men giving horn. lucian girls cant be trusted. their man cant be trusted. its one mighty mess in that place. look like they have no brakes. so take your all burning cats and corks and your viruses. your behaviours have a price.

  4. @ Raty as disgusting as it sounds ..I agree with you 100 percent. Adultery and sick immoral sexual behavior including serious prostitution is rampant in St. Lucia …..they are sick and clueless Lucians herpes, aids, monkey pox and stds etc etc etc all over this little island …

  5. “…there is no documented outbreak of sexually transmitted infections in Saint Lucia.”

    Key phrase – “no documented”

    That’s the same way the Ministry of Health said there was “no documented” evidence of adverse reactions and deaths from the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ when in truth, they never set up any adverse reaction reporting system!!!

    So basically, since they don’t have any way of recording the data, there is “no documented” evidence of anything.

    I would take everything that comes out of the Ministry of Health with not one but two grains of salt.

  6. @ Raty and Jay you are so right. Many Lucians have low low morals – very happy to sleep with other people’s partners and take time off their Government jobs (call in sick) to go and have sex with their married ti fi or man/men. Pop out babies with different fathers (often the children are sexually abused by the various “boyfriends”) and then y’all wonder why there is so much domestic violence and murder in Sent Lisi. SMH. Disease and social dysfunction is the result of unnatural behaviour and there’s plenty of it around here.


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