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Pierre Arrives In Taiwan For State Visit – Looks Forward To Strengthened Ties

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre arrived in Taiwan Monday for a state visit – his first as Saint Lucia’s head of government, looking forward to strengthening ties between Castries and Taipei.

As reported by Taiwan’s Central News Agency (CNA), Pierre told local media that Saint Lucia and Taiwan had been longtime friends.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) and Saint Lucia established diplomatic relations in 1984.

But in 1997, Saint Lucia switched recognition from Taipei to Beijing.

However, in April 2007, Taiwan and Saint Lucia reestablished diplomatic relations, and Beijing severed its formal ties with Castries.

“We respect each other’s freedoms and we hope that developments can grow and our people can prosper and we can benefit from the work that Taiwan does in Saint Lucia,” Prime Minister Pierre told reporters on his arrival in Taiwan.

According to CNA, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu welcomed the Saint Lucia Prime Minister and his delegation.

Pierre’s office said the PM would meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and Taiwan government officials during his November 28 to December 2 visit.

It also said Pierre would visit strategic agencies to explore areas for partnership, particularly for Saint Lucia’s youth, and explained that Taiwan fully funded the Saint Lucia delegation.

Dr. Ernest Hilaire will be acting Prime Minister during Pierre’s absence.

Headline photo courtesy Office Of the Prime Minister

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  1. I guess the address to the nation was rushed because he had a flight to catch. It certainly lacked substance and now more than ever I regret voting for these inepts

  2. To leave St. Lucia at a time such as this is unforgiveable, a the height and magnitude of the situation no sane minded Prime Minister should vacate his office for a trip that can easily be put off, but the timing is perfect for him.
    You can’t be dodging the Bullet for ever, you’ll be back with a package to sweeten the Pie, but the dying truth is, the sky is full of them, when they fall they make a mess. Talking of a mess take a look around – the Castries & Soufriere Habours hasn’t begone to smell yet but you wait. Mr. P.M. St. Lucia needs a lot of good help right now – no time for joy rides irrespective of the gifts and prizes, there’s work right here. For the sake of St, Lucia Lord help him out – with your Blessings. Amen.

  3. I can almost hear PJP saying. Dem Lucians feel i care wit dem. Leh me enjoy what the post has to offer. That’s it my leader. Remember let’s Protect the Vicyory – go preach that to the students we have up there.

  4. You and that Jn Marie bum bum kisser , I know you listening to that economist. Lucian’s blind and have bry short attention span , lower the MF fuel. You ‘ll taking a joke to far……… seems like the yellow clown will have to organize a protest …….

  5. To the most Honorable PM PJP Or any such PM :
    May your trip (voyage),be prospectus,prosperous,successful and benifical.
    May the LORD protect and preserve you. Good Luck ☘️ Happy Return.

    To 🇹🇼 Taiwan
    Thank you for your support, which 🇱🇨 St-Lucia is in desperate needs 🙏
    Continue to give,strong bonds last forever.
    Blessings in abundance 🇹🇼❤️🇱🇨


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