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WATCH: First Phase Of Taiwan’s ICT In Education Project Concludes In Saint Lucia

The Ministry of Education has been showering praise on the government and people of Taiwan for its outpouring of  technological support in advancing instruction in schools on the island. 
Chris Satney reports the commendation comes as phase one of Taiwan ICT in education project concluded recently with a small ceremony at the Entrepot Human Resource Center.

SOURCE: Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training

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  1. Do we have a vision for education in St.Lucia? Does the system prepare our youth for the future development needs of our country? I’m not sure and our crime levels seem to support my position. We have lost our way and the Ministry of education must take responsibility for this downward spiral. Our youth get more schooling, nay, expensive schooling and yet they remain less well informed. Ministry officials must be careful with the phrases they use when they seek to impress donor agencies. Don’t babble; speak, even when you know that the gift will not be put to its optimal use. Here’s an easy exercise for the Ministry of Education to try out on the young people attending Castries schools: Ask them to name the streets of Castries or ask them to use the street names to move from one point to a given destination. Good luck.


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