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WATCH: Pierre Outlines Measures To Address Crime


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre on Sunday addressed the nation, outlining measures to address crime amid a violent crime wave resulting in 66 homicides this year.

We hear more in this report:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister/SLT

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  1. Even as he was jetting off to the 5 star life in Taiwan he not ONCE mentioned sympathy for those murdered even in the past week including a wonderful nurse blown away by a murderous killer. Shows these callous hard self obsessed so called leaders are only concerned with themselves.

    Pierre attempted to say that things were getting better under this fraudulent administration by using bogus statistics. The same dekdek who said, in order to undermine the last administration under the horrendous pandemic , that tourism would never recover – is now lauding that tourism and the economy has recovered as if it was his initiatives. What deceit as in EVERY country in the world there is an expected, normal increase in economic activity as the pandemic recedes. This in spite of the SLP’s incompetence. Canada, USA, UK, India, Malaysia and every other country has experienced a resurgence. Talk about playing with statistics. What he will not say is that we are still not at the level of 2019 and things look unstable going into 2023 especially with these mismanagers.

    Now we hear that this speech was just a rewriting of a speech given by Kenny in the early 2000s promising the same things and we know what that result was. Clown show with pierre hillaire fredericks and king.

    What is frightening is that after the celebration of Christmas that all over the world we are expecting a serious guava season in 2023.
    I strongly suggest to all our citizens. Watch your bread this Christmas, spend less, spend more time in the company of family! Tings go HARD come January. No joke.

    It is so sad that the Labour party has learned nothing from their previous failed years in power. It is still talk take and travel. They have no sympathy for the down pressed, no ability to run the country, no moral code ( look who they have in Cabinet) and an insatiable greed to bleed the coffers and your taxes for their lifestyles.
    Stay safe my people!

  2. Well said @art… SLP is the administration of incompetence it seems. We’re watching the country disintegrate before our very eyes. Progress on many fronts have come to a screeching halt. With all the boasting of figures increasing on the ground it’s a different picture. They’ve taken out large loans for the roads yet they remain a mess. Where has that money gone to?

  3. Niccolo Paganini.
    I like particular #5 out of his his 6 violin concertos.
    Even thought Mozart could be a bit more dramatic.


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