by Germina Hippolyte
Minister for Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development, and Urban Renewal, Hon. Stephenson King, recently provided an update on the Ministry of Infrastructure’s restoration efforts in the aftermath of the Nov. 6 trough, at a House of Assembly meeting on Nov. 22.
The trough caused heavy rains and flash flooding in the north of the island, resulting in extensive infrastructural damages both within the public and private sectors.
Minister King provided figures on the initial assessment: “Following the destruction caused by the intense rain and the associated flooding, the Department of Infrastructure has been conducting a reconnaissance of the damage caused to public infrastructure and the consequential estimated cost of clean-up which includes cleaning roads, culverts, waterways and the removal of mudslides and debris to reinstate infrastructure and mitigate against future events. The approximate cost of the initial cleanup is estimated at EC $1.4 million. Assessments are ongoing for the cost of reconstruction of roads, retaining walls and bridges, and are still pending.”
Minister King said a figure of EC $7 million has been augmented and submitted to the Minister of Finance.
“Once the resources have been identified or mobilized by the Department of Finance, the exercise of the recommencement of reconstruction ahead of the 2023/2024 budget is absolutely possible,” he said.
The Department of Infrastructure has asked the business community to look toward long-term adaption and mitigation interventions which may achieve sustainable resolutions.
SOURCE: Government Information Service/SLT
Man …what the hell happened infront of your office….what is happening there and who is paying for those re works….. union roundabout that is!!!
That So called Minister of Infrastructure Should Get 0% in all the Ballot Boxes next
General Election for Lieing .That Union Roundabout is a Disgrace and Contracts are Being giving to persons that are Deeply affiliated to Certain persons in Government .I will die an Slp man but lieing is my enemy
.These same bad Contractors receive Contracts when Uwp and Slp is in Power Where do we go from there
I don’t know why this good for nothing heavy roller opens his snout to attempt to speak. You are a terrible disgrace cause every time you speak you bring out your FAULTS of the last five years and try to blame others for it.