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Riviere Mitant Bridge Collapses


The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport wishes to inform the general and motoring public that the Riviere Mitant Bridge (Near Valerie Lorde Avenue) has collapsed.

As a result, motorists travelling from Desrameaux wishing to access Riviere Mitant beyond the bridge are to utilise the Monchy-Desrameaux Main Road.

Likewise, Motorists travelling from La Feuillet/ Riviere Mitant wishing to access areas beyond Valerie Lorde Avenue, are to utilise the Monchy- Desrameaux Main Road.

Pedestrians are urged to exercise caution when traversing the area.

The adverse weather conditions and associated flooding of November 6th 2022, further compromised the Riviere Mitant Bridge.

However, plans were already afoot for a complete rehabilitation of the structure, and a contract was awarded via the competitive bidding process.

The reconstruction of the Riviere Mitant Bridge will commence in the coming days.

SOURCE: Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport

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  1. Let me guess which company/ contractor that this cement truck belongs to…….talk about having a ” clean safety record” or maybe it’s just “luck”!

  2. It is puzzling why the same company destroying the roads in St Lucia are the ones contracted to fix it


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