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WATCH: Pierre Administration Secures XCD 277 Million For Partial Budget Financing


The Pierre Administration has secured more than XCD 277 million from a loan agreement with the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China to finance part of the 2022-23 Budget.

The Lower House debated and passed the resolution authorising the Finance Minister to secure the funding on December 6, 2022.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. We are lucky Guy is not in power, had he been, with Chas by his side all this money would vanish and nothing will be achieved.

  2. Between 2011 and 2016 every time parliament met there was a bill to borrow. Chastanet criticized Kenny Anthony for that.
    Between 2016 and 2021 every time parliament met there was a bill to borrow. Pierre who was deputy to Anthony criticized Chastanet for that.
    Now from 2021 Pierre has been borrowing and borrowing.
    With Hilaire by Pierre’s side I hope some of that money does not make its way to purchasing range rovers or to Red International.

  3. Thank you for fixing the CAP hwy finally…..,please focus on WASCO,no water in cap estate right now! Smh

  4. @105smph, happy for you and the rich at Cap. Just imagine what the taxi drivers and others have to go through every day with huge potholes at various points on the east coast. So much for the tourist destination country. Just imagine the toll on our vehicles. And nobody cares

  5. @Guns in the Barrel, before you comment, please note that you made a little, very little, more sense when you posted as Lucian Highgrade. Now I am being nice refer to you and use the word sense.

  6. ” … XCD 277 million from a loan agreement with the Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China to finance part of the 2022-23 Budget….”

    Now SLU is in the backpocket of the RoC … how many times have I seen how ROGUE China is with countries they lend $$$ to? Jamaica, and some African countries are lamenting the loans they took from China!!

    SLU – is now we DED!!!

  7. and what did his press secretary was saying? that slp has never taken any loan? and chas had to put her on blast? well this look like a loan to me

  8. All countries borrow. St.Lucian politicians take particular pleasure talking crap when in opposition.



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