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Former LIAT Workers Get Terminal Benefits


The Pierre Administration continues to prioritize the interests of Saint Lucia’s working class. In under 18 months, Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre successfully interceded on the behalf of the former employees of Liat (1974) LTD and Majestic Industries.

On December 16, forty-seven [47] former employees of Liat (1974) LTD finally received their terminal benefits in the form of bond certificates from the government of Saint Lucia.

The bond certificates are cash redeemable and can also be used as collateral to secure loans.

Upon assuming Office last July, the Prime Minister immediately pursed these two outstanding matters to ensure all of the affected workers receive the payments lawfully entitled to them within the earliest timeframe.

The approximate value of the compensation package for the former employees of Majestic Industries and Liat 1974 LTD exceed XCD 6.3 million dollars.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Bonds? Lol. I wouldn’t touch St. Lucia bonds. These will come due at some point. And with the overall decline of law and order in this place it is likely we will become a failed state soon.

  2. ” Economist”, Cry some more. You enjoyed the money Allen Chastanet was throwing away to his FFFs. In your **** ***.

    You will fall in the gutter that you wish for our nation.

  3. “Economist”, Cry some more and some more again. You enjoyed our tax dollars he was passing around to his FFFs.
    Allen Chastanet was your own demise and will continue to ride your backs like the “B” you are.

  4. Yes. So I see you get your big fat cheque and you all happy happy. You and your padna in the picture. Well cum an give me the res of the money you owe me for the b**mb you and your padna had make me do with you all in tong.
    I waiting for you all. You all wanted credit on my calabash when covid was arong

  5. Hope the Pierre Administration is very aware that public servants who resigned from the service before having reached the retirement age have still not been paid the 10% of their total earnings due to them. Some of us served in excess of 15 years and we need our money.


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