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Hilaire, Jamaica National Security Minister Hold ‘Fruitful’ Talks

Saint Lucia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Ernest Hilaire, has disclosed holding fruitful talks with Jamaica’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Dr. Horace Chang.

Chang visited Saint Lucia last week for talks with Prime Minister and Minister of National Security Philip J. Pierre and other local officials.

“The exchange was fruitful,” Hilaire, also responsible for tourism, wrote on Facebook, where he disclosed that he had the pleasure of meeting Chang.

“We discussed several ways that Saint Lucia and Jamaica can collaborate to deal with common challenges and exploit numerous opportunities to promote national development,” the Castries South MP said regarding the discussion.

The visit came amid a violent crime surge in Saint Lucia.

Jamaica is also experiencing a violent crime wave, recording over 1420 killings this year, compared to 1375 for the same period last year.

Local media quoted the country’s National Security Minister as saying that it impacts us all when there are security challenges in Jamaica or Saint Lucia.

“We are one Caribbean, and we have to work together to combat all security threats to the region,” Chang said.

Headline photo from Dr. Hilaire’s Facebook page.

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  1. What sense dat makin? Jamaica need .ore help and that’s where St. Lucia seeking help? What a joke🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. I would have expected to hear from the Minister of National Security and Minister of Home Affairs. But trust Hilaire to undo his colleagues.
    Not even Hilaire’s smile I trust.

  3. The prime Minister of Jamaica was in America Recently seeking for Assiatance to Battle the Increase of Gun Crimes in Jamaica .So what Assistance can Horrace Chang give to St.Lucia .There’s more than 10Homicides on a Daily Rate in St.Lucia

  4. Are we supposed to laugh or cry at this Press Release.
    Both St Lucia and Jamaica have surging crime rates so we collaborate to deal with crime. Like two inmates in an asylum meeting to cure each other.

    You both are doing everything wrong with internal security so ‘great minds think alike’ . Unfortunately not , it is ‘fools seldom differ’
    Advice should be sought from countries that have the resources including manpower to halt crime in our small island. How can discussions with Jamaica help?
    This is so intuitive that you know we are up the creek with no paddle if this is all a SLP administration can offer. Do they not see how clueless they are or is it because they are so clueless they have nothing to offer?
    I reiterate: the SLP never came into power with the intention of working. It was all about ‘the victory ‘ and feeding from the trough. The trips, salaries, per diem, prestige, free food amd drink, 1st class flights, 5 star hotels and opportunities to help family and friends with jobs, contracts.
    They have neither the skillset, work ethic or moral code to take St Lucia upward.
    It is backward ever, backward forever!

  5. Let’s not be narrow minded. Jamaica has been plagued by violent crime for a much longer period than St.Lucia. We can’t rule out possible Jamaican connection with the illegal guns and gang violence. We can definitely learn from Jamaican experiences in dealing with crime and gun violence . We should not isolate ourselves in a bubble.

  6. It’s about intelligence sharing and ANY INFORMATION that can be shared to help St Lucia combat gun violence I am all for it. What did the FBI said and recommend Mr Chang ?? Thank you.
    This morning there were plenty pick ups with barrels coming down New Dock Road.

  7. the jamaican assistance is so that lucian politicians who are criminals can have a partner in crime. so criminals helping each other do crime. when the FBI ready we will have our own coke dudus. quite shameless party! this slp!! those of u who voted for those peopl e this is how they repay you all. increasing the crime rate.

  8. I have read some bizarre things in my lifetime. I will simply add this article to the list. Jamaica has an ongoing murderous crime problem that has been in existence for decades. Evidently, they are not good at controlling it. Why would anyone seek advice from them? If anything, they are badly in need of advisors. Sounds like a situation in “Alice in Wonderland.” “We’re all mad here.”

  9. @Poule Poo Poo/Criminal Minds/John crow Taino the minister was not seeking advice from The Jamaican Minister of National Security on how to deal with crime in St Lucia, it was more sharing of intelligence ooopps something you don’t have or ever known anything about which equates to Clown. Question clown, where, when, and ever did, did your MASSA met with ANYONE on national security issues for St Lucia with all his ass kissing panhandling up and down ??? Who did Francis EVER met ? Where did he go ? Who EVER shared ANYTHING with him ?? If i can recall and so can the victim of crime during the Yellow Raign of Terror Rome was burning under Your MASSA watch…..the LAPO Minister of national security then was off the island for close to 3 months at taxes payers expense St Lucians did not knew, not that they cared about his LAPO ass at the time , so only God knows what the hell you are beating your Yellow Ass about…..but grasp that straw because at the end of the day not a damn thing going on for that fizzled party.

  10. And so says Lucian Highgrade who is now Guns in the barrel who was conceived on a low grade barrel and lives at cedars barrelled heights and eats beagle.

  11. So Sayeh Learie Sissy Carasco aka Mr. Defunct Rick tight draws tidy man Wayne Oh Really/ George Joeph/ Red Ants/ Taino/Vadimir Putin /Just saying nothing/ Somalia here we come/Nook/Nudge/Ma Malawy ……bread has more shelf life than your career. You can run but you can’t hide you sissy chameleon, I know your dutty penmanship blindfolded. Your pigheadedness supersedes you.


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