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WATCH: Taiwan Provides 5.1 million EC In Grant Funding For Local Bilateral Projects


Taiwan has provided grant funding to support projects and programmes itemized in Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre’s maiden 2022/23 Budget presented in April.

On December 19, 2022, Taiwan Ambassador to Saint Lucia H.E Peter chia-yen Chen handed over $5.1 million EC in grant funding to support nine local bilateral projects.

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SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Ah boy just in time for the Christmas…Some politicians will get a nice change from that $5.1 mil like they usually do…Best job on planet earth,steal money easy so & nothing can be done to you.See kids? Why go study all over when you can become a minister & be rich…Be a politician,once you’re in you good to go,the possibilities are endless.


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