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Martinique Anti-Crime Operation Results In Multiple Weekend Arrests


A massive anti-crime operation in Martinique in response to an upsurge in violent crime resulted in arrests during the weekend after law enforcement officers conducted spot checks.

The officers conducted the operation on Saturday and Sunday.

According to local reports, three of the fifteen people arrested possessed firearms.

More than three hundred gendarmes and police officers took part in the exercise.

France dispatched a special gendarme squadron to Martinique last month in response to the gun crime spike on the French Caribbean island.

They are due to leave on January 18.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. Well done! More action, less lip service to tackling crime on a Caribbean island. Vive la France! Now for the other crime ridden islands to follow and gain some kind of respectibility from locals, ex-pats and tourists.

  2. Don’t hold your breath, I don’t see that happening in St. Lucia. They are part of Metropolitan France but the political egoists of that time followed the bigger and more financially capable Island States, rushed for Independence from Britain, guess what, the Brits said, why not you’ve got it. So today we’ve got problems – you handle it. Lucians then calling the man – De Papa – Father of the Nation – like he was some wise Fox, none.
    Nothing was prepared for the situation of today. St. Lucia was and is still being sold bit by bit; unemployment is sky high, low wages rule the day, hence crime becomes a big business for the young males (17 -28yrs) a criminal Law which is outdated, with political appointees to dish out the crap – the revolving door – St. Lucia is still bleeding. Someone up there must be saying “you reap, what you sow” nothing can help you, not the politicians not the Pastors or anyone, till you come to your senses.


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