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UPDATE: Saint Lucian Woman Still Missing In The United States


A Saint Lucian woman reported missing in the United States was located but hours later, was reported missing again.

The Nassau County Police Department of Long Island, New York, announced Wednesday that 46-year-old Samantha Denise Primus had been located.

The police said they received a report on Friday, December 23, that Primus, non-verbal with limited sign language abilities, was missing.

According to media reports, a paramedic who saw a missing person’s flyer recalled taking a woman matching her description to Queen’s Hospital Centre which discharged her hours later.

It was reported that Primus was given a list of shelters to which she could go and had not been seen since.

Fox 5 quoted a spokesperson for the NY Health & Hospitals as saying that they were looking into the incident.

The family is still seeking to find Primus.

(This story has been updated. A previous post reported that Primus had been found)


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  1. If the woman is non verbal with limited sign language ability why would she be discharged with a list of shelters. Hospitals are equipped with interpreters and if her condition is as stated in article I don’t understand why a social worker was not assigned to assist her.
    In addition why did the family not have a medic alert bravcelet on her describing her condition. I pray that this woman is found sooner than later.


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