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Fire Destroys Parked Vehicle In Choiseul

A fire on Thursday destroyed a vehicle parked in Choiseul while an elderly couple who had earlier disembarked were visiting relatives in the Mongouge area.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) received a call for help at about 10:16 am, and the Soufriere and Vieux Fort fire stations responded.

However, the emergency personnel from Soufriere arrived first and put out the car fire.

According to reports, the couple who were in the vehicle lost important documents in the blaze.

The cause of the fire has not been determined.

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  1. According to reports, the couple who were in the vehicle lost important documents in the blaze………this line makes it sound like the couple was still in the vehicle during the blaze. …..Consider editing that bit.

  2. its correct .. were is the plural for was which is a linking verb to say past tense . if they removed the were then u can say they are in the vehicle when the fire happened


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