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Texas: Armed Robbery Suspect Shot Dead By Restaurant Customer


An armed restaurant customer shot dead a masked gunman clad in black who entered the building in Houston, pointed a gun at customers, and demanded money.

Houston police said the incident, captured on surveillance video, occurred on Thursday.

As the suspect collected money from patrons, one of them produced a gun and shot him multiple times.

The shooter collected the stolen money from the suspect and returned it to other patrons, after which he and others left the scene.

The Houston police, in a press release on Friday, requested the public’s assistance in identifying a male wanted for questioning in the fatal shooting.

And the law enforcement officers posted surveillance photos of the man and his vehicle.

“Investigators want to speak with the man for his role in the shooting,’ the police said.

However, they disclosed that they had not filed charges.

Fox News quoted a former police officer turned lawyer as saying that the fatal shooting was completely justified in Texas.

The identity of the deceased male suspect, believed to be in his 20s, was pending verification.


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  1. File Charges for what .The Shooter should be given a Medal of Bravery by the Governor of Texas .

  2. Please, he shot to kill instead of the hands or arms. If he is so brave then why did he fled the scene? Because he knew what he did was extra judicial

  3. Would the masked gunman have gone for the hands and arms if he had decided to shoot anyone? With so many mass shootings in public places, this man should be applauded.

  4. If you consider what you did to be right or justifiable, why leave? Wait for the police and give your statement. His behavior is questionable.

  5. Yes. He was wrong to leave. However, I just watched a news clip on NBC and the police officer who was being interviewed said it is highly unlikely that he will be arrested. They just need to speak with him. Fake gun or not, the robber threatened the customers and stole from them. Why are we here defending criminals?


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