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WATCH: Saint Lucia Monitoring Emergence Of New COVID-19 Variants & Sub-variants


Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Health has announced that it is closely monitoring the emergence of new COVID-19 variants and sub-variants and will continue to keep the public updated.

In a statement on Monday, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sharon Belmar-George noted that in addition to COVID-19, other respiratory viruses are circulating.

Belmar-George observed that they might have a similar clinical presentation to COVID-19.

She also noted that there had been a steep increase in influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) cases in several countries.

” During the last 3 months of 2022, a spike was noted in children less than 5 years of age presenting with respiratory signs and symptoms,” the CMO disclosed.

But she disclosed that Saint Lucia has seen a reduction in these cases.

Her complete statement appears below:

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  1. Monitor the damn roads we have commute on daily and the citadel of youth that can ruin the country in a months time because of the foolishness you guys are doing… Focus on the upcoming generations or else this island is screwed!!


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