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USA: Six-Year-Old Used His Mother’s Gun To Shoot Teacher

According to investigators, a six-year-old student shot his teacher at a US school while using his mother’s legally acquired firearm.

Police in Virginia said at a press conference on Monday that the youngster took the gun to school in his backpack.

According to reports, the student shot Abigail “Abby” Zwerner purposely on Friday during class.

Before requesting assistance for herself, according to the police, she was able to lead her students to safety.

Ms. Zwerner, 25, continues to be in stable condition at the hospital.

Police have taken the unidentified child into custody and he is undergoing evaluation.

Headline photo: Abigail “Abby” Zwerner 


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  1. I’m not judging but no 6yr old not taking their parents gun in their bagpack to school and shoot their teacher if that teacher didn’t viciously mistreat that 6yr old….I don’t care how innocent and pretty that teacher look…she must have done him real wrong because the story said he purposely shot her.


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