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Martinique: Child Found Dead After Being Forgotten In School Bus – Driver Indicted For Manslaughter


On Monday, a court sentenced a school bus driver to a suspended two-year jail term and fined him €102,000 in connection with a 2018 incident in which a child, forgotten in the school bus, was found dead hours later.

The court handed down the verdict on Monday.

An autopsy found that the child, aged two years and ten months, had suffered from severe dehydration in the parked vehicle in the town of Rivière-Pilote.

According to local media reports, the driver, aged 40 at the time, had been banned from transporting passengers since the death.

The court also fined the company for which the bus driver worked €150,000.

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  1. This was the driver’s sole responsibility, but incidents like these always make me remember my loving, sweet and supportive sister.

    The first time my sister dropped off my child to daycare, she had forgotten her in the backseat while she slept. My daughter was forgotten in the parking lot near the government buildings for 20 mins, before I called her (my sister) to find out how it went. She immediately hung up, avoided calls and only responded with brief texts. It took her 10 years before she told me what had transpired. She now lives in constant paranoia even with her own children over this incident.

  2. Our mind focus tends to lead us in uncharted directions I also recalled I was once the island major mobile recharge provider at the time one mobile operator was located below Lamar building. At the time I just parked kept my AC on and my daughter was in the back seat. It was just a drop off cash to get the account recharge. A male and female police officers pronounce on me,, ready to charge me and stuff today my daughter is 17 I wonder if she recalled that incident. But she was just 3. Years. But on the flip side it could have gone horribly wrong. Since then I never put money or business before life.


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