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Baby Among Six Members Of One California Family Killed In ‘Cartel Like’ Execution


At a California home where police were aware of drug-related activity, three generations of one family were murdered in a “cartel-like execution.”

Among the victims were a 16-year-old mother, her 10-month-old infant, and the child’s grandmother.

Police said the mother and the child were both shot in the head.

Among the other victims was at least one man who was taken to the hospital but later pronounced dead.

Police recently searched the house in Goshen, a town of 3,000 people, because they thought its occupants might be engaging in unlawful behavior.

Deputies responded to reports of gunfire after 3:30 am on Monday.

They said they found the six victims, including two in the street and one in the doorway of the house where the gunfire erupted.

And law enforcement officers told local media that they are looking for two suspects.


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  1. 16yr old mother with her 10 month old kid. Drugs plus lawlessness. How can we defend such. Let these things don’t happen here

  2. A very similar act to this happened in Barbados not too long ago, making drug deals with Colombians and not paying them, then they made a visit


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