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WATCH: Pierre Accounts To Parliament Regarding SJH Reconstruction Project


On January 18, 2023, Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre tabled a motion in Parliament to examine the recommendations of the St. Jude Hospital (SJH) Reconstruction Project Review Committee.

The Review Committee has conclusively outlined actionable and fiscally prudent options to complete the Project.

Prime Minster Pierre has secured the support of the House of Assembly to pursue the Review Committee’s recommendations.

We hear more in this Rehani Isidore report:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Mr Prime minister, I need you to legislate against the stopping of ongoing projects when a government changes hands. The only authority if such were to occur would be the high court after approval from parliament and upon the hearing of arguments for the need for review or stoppage. Obviously those reasons would include proven corruption, sub-standard work/quality issues, costs issues and other technical matters. We must stop this habit of allowing politicians to halt projects at will thus slowing down development, and the people of the country suffers. This hospital is a total mess simply because both parties were primarily concerned about creating jobs for their friends. I need to see action taken against those officials who allowed this project to get to where it is now – politicians as well as contractors went against technical advice.That’s a huge shame and utter disgrace !


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