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Civil Status Registry Temporarily Relocates Services


The Civil Status Registry wishes to inform the public of the temporary relocation of services at the Registry of Civil Status Office on Brazil Street Castries from January 19th to January 27th , 2023.

This temporary relocation of services is to facilitate deep cleaning of the Offices.

Applications for birth and death certificates will be processed at the new DigiGov office on Bourbon Street or the online portal at New birth and death registrations will be processed at the Rectification (Adjudicator’s) Office on Brazil Street, Castries, starting on Thursday, January 19th to January 27th , 2023.

All other services will be temporarily suspended. The Civil Status Registry can be contacted via e-mail at where there is the need for an emergency birth and death certificate.

Emergency birth and death certificates must be supported by evidence of either travel or medical arrangements during the period of closure.

Payments for transactions will be facilitated at the Accounts Section of the Ministry of Justice.

The Civil Status Registry thanks you for your kind understanding and co-operation and regrets any inconvenience caused. We look forward to resuming normal services on Monday, January 30, 2023.

SOURCE: Ministry of Justice

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