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Two Bus Drivers Involved In Physical Altercation In Castries – One Ends Up In Hospital


A physical altercation involving two minibus drivers near the Gros Islet bus stop in Castries on Friday resulted in one of them ending up at the OKEU Hospital.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) confirmed receiving a call at about 9:50 am regarding a physical assault and found a disoriented man on the ground.

According to the SLFS, an ambulance transported him to the hospital in stable condition.

Bystanders reported that the man fell and hit his head after receiving a punch.

Initial reports indicated that two bus drivers, one plying the La Clery route and the other Gros Islet, got into an argument over passenger pickups which became physical.

The incident is under investigation.

There are no further details at present.

Headline photo: Screen grab from social media video.


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  1. Minibus drivers are just indiscipline, they stop anywhere, anyhow, overtake anywhere, cut across other vehicle. We need a shake up with these minivan drivers.

  2. Lawlessness is the order of the day in SLU. There is so much indiscipline in the land. There is no one to stop the them . There is no respect for the law or the police. Things are getting worse by the day.

  3. Well I don’t expect any better in a Lawless country…These bus drivers deserve to be Lashed in public in order to restore respect.Children standing around watching grown men fight over a minor dispute SMH…10 Lashes for the hospitalized driver when he gets better & 15 lashes for the other driver who threw the punch,plus 2 to 3 years ban on driving the public to their destinations.

  4. If you ever wanted a snapshot of our society, there it is…a bunch of men-like infants who can’t control their temper tantrums and throw their toys out of the pram and not even infants behaviour like this…..if the authorities don’t understand that these misdemeanours are the precursor to greater societal problems which we already have, then they are not fit to lead the country. J Pip is a hopeless leader… totally inept. The drivers association should revoke their driving permits with points on their drivers license. They should be made to offer the St Lucian public an apology on national TV, then pursue a rigorous course of anger management and conflict resolution strategies if they want their driving permit reinstated. People in such position should be expected to be exemplary citizens and as such their behaviour should merit stiffer penalties…The nation is quickly becoming a land filled with men exhibiting sign and symptoms of toxic masculinity where men are boys, little boys with tiny egos, useless, uneducated, illiterate, ignorant little boys…and boys who are neither socialised nor civilized…that’s the sad reality…

  5. Some of them picking up passengers anywhere even where they’re not suppose to.This practice causes major disruptionsq to traffic flow


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