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Seven People Hospitalised After Multiple-Vehicle Collision At Cul de Sac

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) transported seven people to the hospital on Saturday after a multiple-vehicle collision near the Cul de Sac junction.

Emergency responders said the victims appeared to have sustained minor injuries.

The SLFS dispatched three ambulances after receiving a report at about 4:30 pm that a truck driver lost control of his vehicle that ploughed into two cars and an SUV.

There are no further details at present.

Headline photo: Stock image.

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  1. They should maybe put another Speed Bump. That seems to be the only thing the authorities do to improve Road Safety.

  2. This is like a daily thing now. Is it the roads that get worse or people can’t drive anymore in Lucia? Or are people distracted by their phones and all this social media nonsense? Government absent as usual no plans to reduce the road accidents and fatalities. We running around like a chicken with no head on this island.

  3. I was waiting for this a long time ago, to see how the trucks written Rayneau driving the road, you swear they are minivan drivers.

  4. This is St. Lucian pandemic road accidents occurs daily and a pandemic is not just confine to out of control disease. One will try his best to drive safe and some fool will come out of no where and caused catastrophe, sometimes some deadly ones. I also wonder if it’s sheep brain they have.

  5. @Bolo Byron… it’s like lucia has 100 vehicles in total and Rayneau has 98 of them. Them trucks everywhere…and they always in a hurry and appear to be driven by teenage boys. Back to this article…still waiting for more details.


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