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Hilaire Concerned Over Missing Persons

Tourism Minister Ernest Hilaire has expressed concern over reports of missing individuals, including a Soufriere child, Aiden Dolor, and hospitality industry employee Omar Defreitas.

His comments came on Monday in answer to a reporter’s question regarding the disappearance of Defreitas and whether, as Minister of Tourism, he was concerned about the missing member of the tourism fraternity.

“For me, anyone who is missing is a concern whether you are a hospitality worker, whether you are a government worker, whether you are a media worker,” Hilaire told reporters.

“For me, that’s where my concern lies that there’s a national response, and like I said, I don’t know because it’s a hospitality worker, the response should be different,” the Minister stated.

The Castries South MP said as far as he knew, the police are handling the matter of Omar’s disappearance.

“It is a police matter. I know the family and his employers have also come out to lend support to find him. There are processes in place and procedures in place to handle matters like that,” Hilaire explained.

“Anybody who is missing, whether it is the child from Soufriere or whether it is the individual (Omar), it has to be treated as a serious matter, and all efforts made to resolve the matter,” he asserted.

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  1. Such a small country governed my a prime Minister as a leader already even if you all don’t give a damn should show a little bit of sympathy what a shame St lucia need prayers starting from the leaders of both parties.

  2. Mr. Hilarious any good governance will make sure the police or rescue departments are well equipped to handle matters like such. Those departments are operating like a white elephant and you know it fully well. You have travelled to many countries did you ever stop and think the amount of resources being pumped into these rescue departments to conduct situations of these magnitude. now come on be more realistic, words are cheap.

  3. Wait a minute PROBER did you say realistic? you must be kidding;
    That word is completely lost in there. I hope he too is praying very hard.

  4. What these people including lucian leaders dont understand is that a special type of criminal activity long known as human trafficking in big countries has now made its way into st lucia. now if they did not find the little soufriere boy who cant speak, i cant imagine what may have happened. in these cases, its usually two things. you look at the parents first or wonder if somebody snatch him. thats soufriere… did he go around boats ect..? did someone in the community harm him? As for Defraitas… the island is dealing with a new criminal activity.. disappearances… this is practiced for generations by a pariticular group of people- the olah unos dos tres… types of people. this guy is not the first to have “disappeared”. one young guy did but they did not know things would have washed up shore… things dread i tell you fellow lucians.

  5. I am very much concern, with a 💔broken heart for the missing ones….
    While some are completly secure and at ease,(the word of God,and others are in the bitterness of the soul….
    The Judge of judges
    LORD, with a broken heart,help my unbelief….
    Rescue and protect those who are missing from the captors and tormenters ,if devise evil plans in their hearts….

    Keep them safe,O God, from the hands of the wicked,and protect them from the violence men,if plan to trip their feet….
    And freed them if they are hidden as a snare from those who have spread over the cord of their net and have trapped them along their paths….
    I know the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy….
    Surely the righteous will praise your name and the upright will live before you….
    O LORD,I call to you,may your will be done and not mine,hear my voice when I called to you….
    May my prayers be set before you like incense ;may the lifting of my hands be the evening sacrifice….

  6. O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.
    You know when I sit and when I rise ; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
    You discern my going out and my lying down ; you are familiar with all my ways.
    Before a word is on my tongue you know it completly, O LORD.
    You hem me in_ behind and before ; you have laid your hand upon me.
    Such knowlegde is too wonderful for me,too lofty for me to atain.
    The word of God….
    Where can I go from your Sprite?
    Where can I flee from your presence ?
    If I go up to the heavens, you are there ;if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
    If I rise on the wings of the dawn,if I settled on the far side of the sea, even your right hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast….

    If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me.” even the darkness will not be dark to you ;the night will shine like the day, for the darkness is as light to you.


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