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Police Identify Deceased In Suspected Homicide At Gros Islet


Police investigating a suspected homicide at Massade, Gros Islet, on Friday have identified the deceased as 78-year-old Marcellina Alexis.

Law enforcement officials said at about 6:00 pm, the Rodney Bay Police Station received a report concerning the death.

Investigators found Alexis unresponsive at her home with an apparent stab wound.

Emergency responders from the Gros Islet fire station received a distress call at about 6:04 pm. But when they arrived, they found that the woman lacked vital signs.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. There are lots of sick heartless demoniacs in St. Lucian for real. Her blood is on their hands and God will have his way…May they be forever tormented without rest. My God my God


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