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Decomposing Body Found At Babonneau – No Indication Of Foul Play


Police say there was no indication of foul play in the death on Saturday of a man in Babonneau.

The man’s decomposing body was discovered in a house.

According to reports, the deceased was over seventy years old and appeared to have been visited infrequently.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. No one cares about anyone in this island from the government to family members all people care about is money

  2. That’s the reality of living in a world in which everybody is stretched thin, countless people are sick, many are living in fear, many are financially challenged and simply living “hand-to-mouth” or “paycheck to paycheck” –coupled with the general “Am-I-My-Brother’s-Keeper?” mentality, which permeates much of the society!

  3. Re Article and comments..
    No one owes you nothing,at least he is not suffering anymore.. From today onwards start treating your fellow women/ men with love and compassion.. life is to earn and make the best of your timely investments..
    Most of us stop using our Free time to earn a living, most of us abused our selves.financialy , mentally, physically etc, and we have to depend on another person to help us,, That moment is too late to all of us who think that society owes us anything…SOL.. Note! For the few of us that have gone through the niddle eye please share the love and knowledge… Happy Monday To all of us..


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