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Police Warn Of Arrest, Prosecution Of Delinquent Students

The Community Relations Branch of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) has warned in a document to school principals through the District Education office that delinquent students face arrest and prosecution.

St Lucia Times has verified that the document, which also appeared on social media, is authentic.

It referred to a meeting on Monday that discussed the situation of children after school in Castries.

The authorities are known to be concerned about groups of unruly students converging in the capital after school and creating disturbances.

According to the RSLPF document, the police central division has decided that schoolchildren found fighting, loitering, armed with illegal weapons, or possessing illicit substances will be arrested and prosecuted as of February 2023.

“Incidents of school fights and bad conduct continue to create an atmosphere of disorder and lawlessness which cannot continue,” the police noted.

St Lucia Times understands that stakeholders were discussing the matter at a meeting on Tuesday.

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  1. lets here yall, all of the parents of the delinquent children in the comments down below. I am sure you have something to say but when the situation was getting out of hand you were not saying nothing

  2. It was time children should be home after school let’s listen for those parents that don’t have a problem that the children comes home at nights still dress in school uniform (boys and Girls ) after roaming the streets of Castries and cause ALlL kinds of problems

  3. There’s a Very High percentage of Deliquent Parents in St.Lucia .That’s why So many School Children are on the Streets of Castries after School Hours


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