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Canada Sends Military Aircraft To Haiti Amid Spike In Gang Violence


Canada announced on Sunday that it had deployed a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) CP-140 Aurora long-range patrol aircraft to support efforts to disrupt the activities of gangs in Haiti and demonstrate commitment to the Haitian people.

In a joint statement, the Minister of National Defence, Anita Anand, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, said Canada was undertaking efforts to address the dire security situation in Haiti and supports the Haitian National Police.

Canada’s assistance came at Haiti’s request.

This Canadian patrol aircraft will provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability to bolster efforts to establish and maintain peace and security for the people of Haiti.

The CP-140 aircraft has already been deployed to the region and will operate over the Caribbean nation ‘for a number of days’.

However, officials say the deployment was not indicative of military intervention.

Last month, Canada delivered armoured vehicles to Haiti to combat gang violence.

Gang violence has become a reality for those living in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince since last summer, with reports that hundreds of people have been kidnapped or killed.

The crisis has prompted calls for Western countries to intervene.

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