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Montoute Says SLP Still In Campaign Mode -‘You Swear They Are The Opposition Party’

Former Gros Islet MP Lenard ‘Spider’ Montoute has accused the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) of being in election campaign mode, although in government.

The former MP spoke Wednesday night during the DBS Television programme Newsmaker Live where he attributed the United Workers Party (UWP) massive July 26, 2021, election loss to several factors.

They included circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic that made people dissatisfied.

In addition, Montoute, a casualty in the SLP landslide, said the labour party waged a campaign of attrition for years, including propaganda to which a UWP administration, busy with governance, did not effectively respond.

“We know they are very efficient and very effective in opposition, but not anything close to that in government,” Montoute, currently the UWP Public Relations Officer, said of the SLP.

According to the former Minister, the UWP in government is synonymous with progress and development.

“Whenever we are in office, Saint Lucia progresses. That is not true for the Saint Lucia Labour Party,” he asserted.

The UWP official said that in office, the UWP’s preoccupation is governance.

“I think that is one of the reasons why our politics suffer,” he explained.

Nevertheless, Montoute said the UWP was ‘not as atrocious’ in opposition concerning public relations.

“We do better in opposition in terms of our PR,” he told Newsmaker Live.

But he stated that the SLP has yet to appreciate that the election campaign is over.

“You swear that they are the opposition party because they’re still in campaign mode and not paying as much attention as they should to governance,” Montoute observed.

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  1. Shorter Montoute:

    “SLP & UWP are playing the never-ending game of politics; the St. Lucian citizenry should just stay in the stands and watch, as eternal spectators.”

  2. so true , every time uwp in power there is some sort of progress but every time slp in power is always had times, this and that raising and high taxes being implemented on poor people

  3. “De patty” is busy protecting duh victory. They don’t even care about protecting vehicle suspensions. As fate would have it, St. Lucia is cursed with two parties that are hell-bent on being inefficient. Trying to feed supporters seem to be the overarching aim. It drives the train. Shoddy work, no problem. Absenteeism, no problem. Kickbacks, no problem. Opposition party people names, no problem. The list goes on.

    Montoute’ cry is simply sour grapes. Just hang tight Mont, you will soon be back at the trough to gorge away.

  4. What’s the difference between the two. When they are in opposition they sing to their heart contents but when in office the melody is a different thing. The only difference is uwp when in office they still know the people that helped them out but slp when in office you become invisible to them ( a bunch of users). People they have known for years they ignore their messages their calls. You no longer fall in their categories. I cannot wait for slp to loose again for them to start crying to the low class they are to high to take note of. They are so hypocritical when in campaign mode they pretend to be down to earth people. The truth is the uwp people do not fake being down to earth they are truly down to earth people. I have always been an slp (except once) but in all honesty I greatly disappointed in them. My daughter said thank God you are now seeing that all of them are the same because when I said I was not voting you beg me to vote for them and I did it because of u buy next election I am not voting for anyone. So my people especially my young generation don’t waste you time to vote. They all are the same so it does not matter which one is there. Look instead to god. Develope a personal relationship with god and spend time in prayer and talking to god. In other words let god become your best friend and talk to him no matter what the situation is be it good or bad and I guarantee you your life will a fulfilling one. Peace and love

  5. As an old Card carrying member from Geo. Charles days, I’ve never been more sickened than now for the level of politics in St. Lucia. To a great extent what Montoute said is right; for a long time after the last elections, when ever PjP spoke, here or abroad it was the same ‘put the people first’ or something similar. See how they treat Chastanet for not completing the New Hospital in the South, as though they wont give a damn with what he started – HE WASN’T BUILDING IT FOR HIMSELF IT WAS FOR THE SOUTH
    Get out of that campaign mode, fix the roads, retrieve that Contract for the sale of our habours and that’s when you should do that with the opposition, and stop that eternal you are you, I am me and never the two shall meet.
    Please grow up for a change: ( Father God open their Spiritual eyes. Amen)

  6. Let’s call a spade a spade. Granted, each party has their faults, but here you have another useless FORMER politician speaking nonsense. The present Admin has done more, especially for the ordinary citizens in the short time they’ve been in office, than the UWP did during their past years when they were in office.


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