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Pierre Advocates Greater Regional Cooperation Ahead Of CARICOM Summit


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has expressed the need for accelerated cooperation among Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states.

He spoke ahead of the Forty-Fourth Regular Meeting of the organisation’s Conference of Heads of Government.

“I am a strong advocate of regionalism,” Pierre asserted.

And he explained that greater cooperation amongst CARICOM countries would benefit the region’s people.

“The work of the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on CARICOM Single Market & Economy (CSME) will assist in shaping and accelerating the desire for a more integrated region,” Pierre wrote on Facebook.

He said he looked forward to the upcoming CARICOM summit to further this cause with his regional colleagues.

CARICOM leaders will meet in the Bahamas from February 15-17.

They will discuss issues including progress on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy; Food Security; Regional Security; Climate Change, and Climate Finance.

COVID-19 and other issues relating to health are also down for discussion,

CARICOM Secretary General Dr. Carla Barnett described the topics as critical.

“These are the things they talk about every time they meet because it’s important to note progress,” Barnett told the Communications Unit of the CARICOM Secretariat.

Regarding climate change, she observed that the region was bearing the brunt of its impact.

But she observed that at the same time, the region was facing ‘great difficulty’ accessing international community financing to deal with the effects of climate change on CARICOM economies.

“Those things are really very important, and we are expecting to have good discussions,” the CARICOM official stated.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. @jeff the prime minister should be advocating for what’s best for the Lucian people which is exactly what he’s doing. This is much more important than pandering for votes which you’re advocating for. Politicians should do what’s best for the country rather than what’s best for their re-election campaign.

  2. @Louie, if the man don’t do what’s best for St. Lucia he will not get votes. I thought it was obvious from what jeff posted. But I guess common sense is not that common in the land of politically blind.

  3. If we stop discrimination of others we will have a far more powerful island. We are too micro mind hence politic and the judicial system is taking us for a ride.


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