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Relative Identifies Body Fished Out Of Sea At Rodney Bay


A female family member told reporters that the body found in the sea on Monday at Rodney Bay is her uncle, Frank Constantine, known as ‘Shaka B’, ‘Bumpy’, and ‘Eric’, a Gros Islet resident.

The relative said she last saw the deceased, who washed vehicles for a living, at about 3:00 am on Monday.

“Somebody just called my phone and tell me they just killed your uncle by the sea,” the family member told reporters, adding that from what she had seen, the body had multiple chop wounds.

She told reporters that the wounds appeared to have been recently inflicted.

“Like that didn’t happen a long time ago,” the family member stated.

She said she could not say whether her deceased uncle had issues with anyone.

However, the niece explained that her uncle would ‘exchange’ words with others.

“He is somebody he would exchange words with you. He would curse you and everything, but not problems to cause dem kind of things. I don’t know about that part,” the family member disclosed.

Headline photo: Frank Constantine – Deceased

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  1. May he rest in peace, lost Soul, now you have the time to rest . Please rest in perfect place..
    We need love on the island..A minimum living wage, will help, and I asking The Hotels and the Banks to help us out by Sharing the wealth they are collecting from the island.. and we will all enjoy our island happily and also reduce Crime..
    We need a mediator that can see Both SIDES of the coin,,, Yes I can..!
    Happy Tuesday to everyone..
    I endorse my thoughts..

  2. Let home the police manage to use the cameras to catch this killer. Regardless of how funny and also can mouth off, no one deserved to die in such manner. RIP


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