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Police Urge Public Not To Converge On Crime Scenes


In the aftermath of Saturday’s officer-involved shooting in Laborie that claimed the life of 22-year-old Eric Thomas, Saint Lucia police have urged the public not to converge on crime scenes.

” If, as right-thinking Saint Lucians, we are interested in justice, then we are not assisting the justice system by walking onto crime scenes and destroying whatever evidence that was there,” Superintendent Luke Defreitas told Good Morning Saint Lucia.

Defreitas recalled that people converged on the scene of the Laborie incident and would have destroyed or contaminated evidence.

“If you are so interested in the rights of the individual who is now deceased, you have done no good for him by trampling onto the scene – destroying that scene. It makes it all the more difficult for crime scene investigators to come in and retrieve anything of any substantial value,” the senior police officer explained.

A police statement on the Laborie incident disclosed that off-duty officers investigating a report of an individual in an establishment with an illegal gun approached the suspect who assaulted one of the law enforcers, injuring him.

According to the statement, other officers intervened, attempting to disarm the individual.

“He was pursued outside the establishment, where he discharged ammunition rounds in the officers’ direction,” it said.

In addition, the statement noted that during the incident, Eric Thomas sustained fatal injuries.

Headline photo: Stock image


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  1. They refuse to go and work for 3 EC dollars an hour all them young people do is smoke crack, drink alcohol and go and steal plantain and dig yams in people garden. There are women who send their 7 year old children to steal


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