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One Love, One Saint Lucia – A Koudmen For A Thriving Saint Lucia

On the heels of the global observation of the day of love, civil society groups and individuals who share a deep and common love for Saint Lucia are uniting forces to host a One Love, One Saint Lucia Koudmen.

This koudmen is aimed at collectively finding solutions to critical matters of social, cultural, spiritual, economic, and environmental significance, and committing to strengthening ecosystems and synergies among civil society organizations, communities and institutions.

It will commence on the weekend of February 25th to 26th with an action-oriented brainstorming session, which will be livestreamed.

This initiative comes at an opportune time as our country prepares to observe its 44th anniversary of Independence and is consistent with the theme for Independence 44 of ‘Douvan Ansanm: One People, Shaping our Destiny’.

The group will also observe Friday February 24th as ‘One Love, One Saint Lucia’ day, and encourages all Saint Lucians to proudly wear black as their commitment to helping to create a thriving, progressive Saint Lucia for everyone.

On that day, Saint Lucians at home and abroad are invited to share videos via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp of what the concept of ‘One Love, One Saint Lucia’ means to them.

To learn more about One Love, One Saint Lucia, visit our website at or follow us on Instagram at oneloveonesaintlucia.

SOURCE: Saint Lucia Hospitality & Tourism Association

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