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Chastanet Criticises Government’s Inadequate Response To Crippling Inflation


Opposition leader Allen Chastanet has taken the Philip J. Pierre administration to task over its inadequate response to rising inflation.

“Inflation is crippling low and middle-income families, and there’s inadequate response from the government,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader declared Thursday on Facebook.

Chastanet observed that fuel prices in Saint Lucia remain among the highest in the region even while global prices are falling.

“Can you imagine that when the price of oil on the world market was $120 US a barrel, we in Saint Lucia paid $ 13.85 a gallon? Today at just over US $70 US a barrel, we’re paying a staggering $17 a gallon,” the former Saint Lucia Prime Minister lamented.

“This is a government that continues to rip you off at the expense of making revenue to create jobs for their friends, families, and their labour party comrades,” Chastanet asserted.

“When will this administration keep their promise?” He asked.

Promising to put the people first, the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) surged into government with a landslide victory after the July 26, 2021, general elections.

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  1. Hahahaha 😂😂😂. You miss it eh? Yes, I talking about being in government. Y’ou and Fedee were everywhere talking (doom and gloom) bayteeze about tourism. That backfired. Tourism is doing great. Then Y’all started on gasoline. That backfired because people are not fooled anymore. Well unless you can find the document that is on your desk for you to sign. Now, y’all on the roads. Don’t worry, roads are on the agenda. I promise you it soon come. Now you talking about inflation. WTF can government do about that? When the price of commodities (bought and stored in warehouses) has not been exhausted.

  2. Chastanet is still trying to stay relevant, you can only fool your so called forty three percenter. St.
    Lucian’s will not buy into your bluff, so put an end to it,seek other alternatives,your reign in government is over

  3. Sometimes I wonder what is going through Chastanet’s mind, if anything at all. For a previous prime minister to come out every few days with some gibberish or another is beyond me. He is really not doing himself any favours.

  4. Inflation is all over the world right now I think people in the Caribbean still have it better even if the money is small. Am st lucian u can’t even afford to live in the UK right now thigs are so hard and expensive. U can control things like Inflation cause most things we use we don’t produce it. If u want bring some solutions to the table which u dnt have an never had 10 years u all could not finish a hospital, road, ETC

  5. When was the price of oil ever reached $120.00?
    How many passports did you sell during your reign as PM?

  6. Not so bright, Allan Chastanet is back with his Sewer ideas, his septic tank is overflow with Sewer. Tell Chastanet stop criticizing, and come forward with bold step that would improve the lives of the people of St. Lucia in 90 DAYS. Chastanet, action speak louder than words.


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