The Public is hereby notified that in keeping with changes in international oil prices and Government’s application of the modified market pass-through petroleum pricing mechanism, the retail price of LPG 100 lb cylinder has changed.
The retail price of Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosene, LPG 20 and 22 lb cylinder remains unchanged. The price change takes effect from Monday, February 20, 2023.
- Gasoline remains unchanged at $3.74 per litre or $17.00 per gallon
- Kerosene remains unchanged at $2.97 per litre or $13.51 per gallon
- Diesel remains unchanged at $3.74 per litre or $17.00 per gallon
Cumulatively, for the fiscal year 2022/23 up to March 12, 2023 the shortfall in excise tax revenue generated from gasoline and diesel is estimated at $17.93 million. The budgeted level for the fiscal year was projected at $65 million.
The 20 lb Cylinder (9.07kg) is being subsidized at $23.96 per cylinder and the 22 lb Cylinder (9.98kg) is being subsidized at $26.35 per cylinder.
- 20 Pound Cylinder (9.07 kg) remains unchanged at $43.27 per cylinder
- 22 Pound Cylinder (9.98 kg) remains unchanged at $47.60 per cylinder
- 100 Pound Cylinder (45.36kg) increased from $264.84 to $336.13 per cylinder
To avoid additional increases in the retail price of the 20-pound and 22-pound cylinders, the government continued to cushion prices by fully absorbing the increase in imported prices.
The price of the 20-pound and 22-pound cylinders is being subsidized by $23.96 and $26.35 per cylinder from $9.70 and $10.67 per cylinder respectively. Cumulatively, for the fiscal year 2022/23 up to March 12, 2023, the LPG subsidy is projected at $12.89 million, exceeding the budgeted level of $5.67 million by $7.22 million.
The Government of Saint Lucia recognises the significant increase in the price of the 100 pound cylinder given that successive governments would have taken the decision to not subsidize it.
The government will continue to monitor the price of this item over the next couple of weeks to ascertain that the recent significant price increase was not temporary and may have to revisit the current policy should that not be the case.
The Public is informed that the next adjustment of the retail price of fuel products will be on Monday, March 13, 2023.
SOURCE: Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs
Pm You think I will forget how you making us suffer at pump you and jackass at the bottom of stretch (gas station owner)
You will pay for that
This is ridiculous. An increase of close to $72. People with 100 lb cylinders must be punished so government can make up for its budgetary shortfall. Gas prices are much lower in other OECS countries. Why is this government making the people suffer?
This is the 7th wave of the gas pandemic in the name of war, inflation is yet to be addressed I just can’t afford the tactics is to make people poor price’s has gone up and continue to go up nothing in place for the poor people the theme is in the interest of the people for the people, poor people they have this way of dividing and rule cannot afford to pay my hospital bill and it continues are they really in the interest of the people or against the interest of the people
We wont forget pierre.
To this day, PJP keeps mouthing off about government not yet even reaching half of its “quota” for taxes collected off fuel yet he refuses to inform us who are essentially his employer (in case Lucians didn’t know, we voted him in and employed him as our PM), of exactly how much this so-called quota is. Mister Prime Minister, WE would like to know how much has been collected thus far and how high this “quota” is. What you’re currently doing is basically telling the nation “f**k off, it’s not your business”…..well sir I’ve got news for you: it is OUR business and history will be judging you for your treachery very soon!!
Highway robbery
This rubbish / nonsense has to stop now. The Government on one hand says this is in keeping with changes in the international oil prices. But oil prices have been going down for months.
Can someone tell me why all the other OECS countries have prices significantly lower than us ( some cases more than $3.00 less).
If this is putting the people first, I don’t want to know what would be putting the people 2nd, 3rd or 4th.