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Babonneau Police Distribute Food Hampers To Motorists


Babonneau police instituted traffic checks with a difference on Tuesday by distributing food hampers to motorists.

Inspector Terry Bradley explained that it was the second such activity for the Babonneau Police station.

He disclosed that officers were handing out over 200 grocery packages donated by corporate sponsors instead of asking motorists for driving licenses and insurance documents.

Bradley observed that the Babonneau police have always been working with the community.

“We believe that only when we do so we can make Saint Lucia a better place, particularly in Babonneau we have always had that good relationship with the community,” he told St Lucia Times.

Bradley recalled that from the time of the commissioning of the Babonneau police station, officers have made it their duty to work with people in the community.

“Especially in this time when we have so much gun violence, we believe that if we foster some of those good relations with the community we can eliminate some of those problems,” he said.

And he noted that the food hamper distribution was just one of the ways the Babonneau police intend to forge better relations with the public they serve.


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  1. “He disclosed that officers were handing out over 200 grocery packages donated by corporate sponsors instead of asking motorists for driving licenses and insurance documents”. Great! So I pass without license or insurance documents and I get rewarded

  2. Good gesture. But seriously, there’s a high possibility that those who need and would benefit the most from these packages, do not own a vehicle. I think the purpose would have been better served, had they prioritized the most deprived/needy individuals and families in the community, who stood to benefit the most from this initiative. Just a thought.


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