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Two Men Hospitalised After Castries Shooting


Two men were in stable condition in the hospital on Sunday after sustaining gunshot injuries at Faux A Chaud, Castries.

Police disclosed that the incident occurred at about 9:15 pm.

Law enforcement officials also confirmed that a vehicle sustained damage earlier at about 6:30 pm in a suspected drive-by shooting at Hill 20, Babonneau.

No one was reported injured as a result of the Babonneau incident.

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  1. The persons Involved in these Shootings knows Everything about the Shooters .There are too many Bad Persons in St.Lucia

  2. All these shooting have connections. Also there might be hire to kill contract as well. Certain men in go in certain areas pickup hitters, take the hit man to location to complete the task and escape.

  3. The 2 injured men must have killed so the police should keep an eye on them, killers killing killers . The police need to search all vehicles from Julian Hunte highway to the Vieux highway

  4. the police should have never showed up in Faux A Chaud cause you remember they came some time ago to arrest an individual and the residence was giving the police a hard time?


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