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Chastanet Says: ‘The Roads Are Eating Us!’


Opposition leader Allen Chastanet has again slammed the Philip J. Pierre administration over the poor state of the Island’s roads.

The former Prime Minister recalled that leading up to the July 26, 2021, general elections, there was a saying that people cannot eat roads, a reference to his then government’s policy of fixing as many roads as possible.

“But today, I would challenge you to say that the roads are eating us,” Chastanet told a news conference on Monday.

He recalled that his United Workers Party (UWP) administration spent over half a billion dollars fixing roads.

“We always said that that was good. But the reality was it only represented about one-third of the roads,” the Micoud South MP told reporters.

Chastanet also took a swipe at Stephenson King.

Before the last elections, King quit the UWP to run independently.

Retaining his Castries North seat, he was appointed Infrastructure Minister in the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) cabinet after labour’s landslide win at the polls.

“Maybe now they know that, you know, the Minister of Infrastructure who has a nickname, they call him the heavy roller, that really what was he? He was just heavyweight. Just incapable of managing the projects ahead of him,” Chastanet told the news conference.

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  1. Just fix the bleeping roads please. It’s a hindrance to productivity, tourism, quality of life, causes many accidents since people are looking out for potholes instead of the road ahead of them. Every tourist speaks about the conditions of the roads. Roads were one of the of the most integral parts of economic prosperity and this administration is treating it like it’s not important. I don’t understand what is going through their heads. You don’t want to spend money on fixing roads but eventually you will have to because when it gets really bad you won’t have choice. This is either hubris, negligence or ineptitude. Either way fix the bloody roads.

  2. So many Taxi ‘s Travel the Road to Soufriere with Tourist.Its a Disgrace with Visitors on-board. The Roads are in a Mess all over St.Lucia


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