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Woman Hospitalised After Vehicles Collide


On Tuesday, emergency personnel rushed a woman passenger to the OKEU Hospital after two vehicles collided head-on at Choc, a short distance from St. James’s Club.

“We received a call at 7:55 this morning,” Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) spokeswoman Stacy Joseph told St Lucia Times.

Joseph disclosed that one of the drivers declined medical assistance and signed a release form.

But a female passenger complained of general body pains and was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

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  1. They need to stop turning out of St. James into Castries so recklessly. A roundabout should have been erected in the Marisule junction by now!!!

  2. Head on on the 3 lanes. To me the lanes are marked and arrows clearly say which direction for each lane. Aa


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