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Teenager Among Three Charged With Attacking Tourists


Police charged a sixteen-year-old and two other males after an attack on two Canadian tourists on Jeremie Street, Castries, about a week ago.

One of the visitors sustained bruises when a ten-carat gold chain was snatched from him.

According to reports, the sixteen-year-old and another accused were remanded in custody at the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) when they appeared in court.

However, the third accused took ill and was at the OKEU Hospital.

Last week the President of the Saint Lucia Craft and Dry Goods Vendors Association expressed concern over attacks on tourists.

And Peter ‘Ras Ipa’ Isaac urged the Police Commissioner to address the situation urgently.

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  1. I hate to say this – you guys don’t seem to be aware that this news is all over the world and it does not look good for St. Lucia with your tourism industry.

  2. This clearly shows that this institution has a wild cow system in place, where you can pen a cow but if the cow has the ability to jump the barriers, then it can walk free and the caretaker Ballout OMG my cow get away. BROKEN to the core. Minister seriously needs to become a junior rather than a senior. HE said he spend time with them you think those kids understand discipline and respect… NADA – none existent

  3. These ” adult” criminals never have name! What could be more a punishment than your name and image being shared for all 180+ thousand Lucians to see! The legal system is TRASH!

  4. As unfortunate and sickening as this situation is in our beautiful Lucia, gang violence and violent crime is on the rise globally. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of days. Enjoy your lives and pray for peace

  5. The young people will never go and work for 3 to 5 EC dollars an hour give them a minimum wage

  6. @ Doug Lewis:- you got that right. I’d be most surprised if we (world) end this year the same way we started off. World war three (WW111) is looking at you straight in the eye. While criminality has become universal, its no excuse for Lucians to seek universal Witches to practice their craft on here. Shame on some of you Legislators to condone this practice all for power, greed and fame. There’ll be no escaping, your master the ruler of the darkness is awaiting some of you.

  7. So where are the mothers and fathers of the young boys oh my ! 16 year old boys are already living a life of crime . We need to pray for the young people


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