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Sarah Flood-Beaubrun Blames Little Things Allowed To ‘Mushroom’ For Current Crime Problem

Former Castries Central MP Sarah Flood-Beaubrun has blamed what she described as ‘little things’ allowed to ‘mushroom’ for Saint Lucia’s current crime situation, including a surge in deadly gun violence.

“Little things are important. The crime we have today started with little infractions of the law. Little things we allowed to just mushroom and mushroom,” the former Home Affairs Minister explained.

Flood-Beaubrun spoke during Newsmaker Live on DBS Television Wednesday night.

She recalled that a senior police officer had blamed criminal gangs thriving on the trafficking of drugs, firearms, and narcotics for violent crime locally.

Police arrested and charged an adult entertainment establishment owner in January this year, less than a month after discovering that four foreign women, who have since migrated, were forced to perform at an adult entertainment establishment.

Sarah Flood-Beaubrun asserted that violent crime did not happen overnight.

” Didn’t we know this was happening all along? Now it looks ugly, so now we’re talking about human trafficking,” Flood-Beaubrun told Newsmaker Live Host Timothy Poleon.

“But this was happening all along and it was entertainment for many people including leaders and probably law enforcement themselves,” the former Human Services, Family Affairs, and Gender Relations Minister declared.

“Now it has come to roost – it has come to a head and we are seeing how devastating it is. It threatens our economy, it threatens everything. Life has changed for every Saint Lucian,” the Attorney at Law by profession stated.

And she told Newsmaker Live that ordinary people need to speak up and say that the situation is unacceptable.

According to the former Minister, people underestimate the power that they have.

“The people who are in charge of our lives, the people who make laws, who make policies need our vote. Letting our Members of Parliament know that a certain course of action or a certain omission will cost them power is a very serious thing,” she explained

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  1. Everyone with their impromptu coming out of the wood work there there there but she is correct in some of her analysis. Some leaders never spoke or address our crime situation until they had left office and suddenly got the courage to speak, I could not understand what was the weight on their tongue while in office. I wonder if political aligned Napoleon asked that of her…..your guess is as good as mine. Hell no !

  2. Unless there is comprehensive repentance on the part of all –from Leaders of Government, to the least visible among us, Saint Lucia will come to its doom! This hypocritical nation claims to be a Christian nation in words , but in our deeds and practices, too many among us are as godless as the unbelievers and atheists! Time is running out on Saint Lucia (as is the case for the rest of the world), so we need to humbly repent of our wicked ways NOW — not tomorrow — then turn wholeheartedly to Jesus, and embark on a path of genuine love for God and love for one another. Then and only then will we become the nation we ought to be!

  3. Nothing you have to say about social issues will be taken seriously … You’re the same one who wrote to the Social Workers Association (in the making) when you first became minister (under SLP) and told them that they are civil servants and they are not to question or challenge anything that the government does or says. Now that you need to remain relevant you want to pretend you care … you’re part of the problem. Realizing that is a good place to start. …

  4. Sarah is right when she says they all have contributed to our demise. To begin with, so called adult entertainment or sex clubs should never have been allowed to operate on the island neither should slot machines. They bring nothing but trouble. Sex clubs have been here longer than you think. When we it started, it was undercover and guest what, mostly the big dogs patronized it/them, which included cops and politicians. Girls were coming from T&T and elsewhere but eventually attracted locals. Slot machines are draining the poor man’s pocket. He is deceived into believing it as an opportunity to gain an income, whereas the odds of wining are 1 to 1000…….. The trouble they bring include prostitution, fire arms drugs and all illegal manner to obtain $, including stealing which may include a gun to the head. Where are the churches. We have allowed the dollar to lead us where we are today. Anything goes !

  5. White color crime is also affecting our country as well. Any update on the 40ft container of drugs that was questionably labelled ” bringing value home” . Any update on the ridiculous amount of money that have been spent on StJude Hospital? Any update on monies given to a contractor to buy vaccines? Is there any accountability? Can such not be classified as crime adversely affecting our country? Just asking. Thanks

  6. As you’ve stated Violent Crime didn’t just start meaning even in your time as a Minister u gave a blind eye because you’ll were so busy doing other things. So keep quiet you’ll hypocrites

  7. If Sarah hadn’t say a thing how would we know of these things happening? so St. Lucia has joined the ‘big time’ like a mini Las Vegas, all in the pursuit of a good time, while missus is taking care of business back home. Excuse my ignorance for not knowing, (maybe I spend too much time in Church) but what’s all this about [sex clubs, so called adult entertainment, Drugs, Fire Arms, robbery by hold-up with a gun] certainly this is not the St. Lucia I once knew. Lord have mercy; shall my people get down to the bottom of the Cross, repent, ask the Lord for forgiveness, the signs are all around us, wars & rumours of war, violence in various places, earthquakes, pestilences(Covid etc) famine, crime, witch craft, the disappearance of human persons; St. Lucia to pay a very heavy price and many will be left behind at His appearance and Return.

  8. Now I will arise ”, says the LORD.
    “Now I will exalted ;
    now I will lifted up…
    Therefore, strengthen feeble hands steady the knees that give way, say to those with fearful hearts “Be Strong,do not fear ;
    Your God will Côme ,he will come with vengeance, with divine rétribution,he will come to Save you”…

    The country is deserted,no travelelers one the roads.
    The treaty is broken,it witnesses ate despised,no one is respected.
    The land mourns and wastes away ,St Lucia 🇱🇨 is ashamed…
    Though murders occupied the country and the country laid waste completly, how bless you will be,sowing your seed by the stream,and letting your donkeys range free…

    Justice ⚖️
    The fruit of righteouse for Peace to dwell in 🇱🇨 St-Lucia, and the effect of righteousness will be greatness and confidence forever,(for those to live in peaceful dwelling places,in secure homes,in undisturbed places…

    Look in the Scroll and read
    For it is his mouth, his mouth that has given the order,and his Sprit will gather forever and dwell from generation to génération …
    And a highway will be there,it will be called the way of Holiness.
    The unclean will not journey on it,it will be for those who walk in that way ;
    wicked fools will not go about on it, you will see arrogant people no more…


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