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Disbelief – Senator Lisa Jawahir Responds After UWP Distances Itself From ‘Unsavoury’ Videos

Government Senator and Communications Director of the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Lisa Jawahir, has expressed disbelief after the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) distanced itself from ‘unsavoury’ material on social media featuring Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre.

“It’s a bit hard to believe,” Jawahir told reporters last week.

She said it was not the first time that UWP operatives, including UnitedPac have made unsavoury remarks about Pierre or sought to make fun of him.

“Whether it was about his speech impediment, his skin colour, where he is from, the community of Marchand that he represents. And so I saw this video – very disgusting of the Prime Minister, you know, having a snack – cheeses, one of his favorite snacks,” the SLP Communications Director said.

“Not too long after that, I saw this thing about some gorillas, and then I saw the motions of his mouth and, you know, whoever did the video making that kind of comparison as if to suggest that the Prime Minister is, you know, a monkey,” Jawahir told reporters.

“But you know, we have heard from the United Workers Party before. We have understood their modus operandi of how they feel about Saint Lucians,” she stated.

Jawahir said when she heard opposition leader Allen Chastanet during a sitting of parliament distance himself, she could not believe him.

“You just never know. One moment they say something, another moment they say another thing. They have posted on their Facebook page about myself taking taxpayers funds to travel when they know full well that the trip was fully funded by the Taiwanese government,” the SLP Communications Director noted.

“They will still find ways to speak untruth, and their known operatives actually posted this on Facebook. So for them to now come and say that they didn’t do anything, I don’t believe them,” Jawahir declared.

However, she encouraged Saint Lucians to stay away from such activities.

“Whatever we put out there is really information that we cannot remove,” Jawahir explained.

Regarding whether the SLP would go on the offensive, she said she had never in her affiliation with the party heard any of its members make any racist or disgusting remarks, such as heard recently.

“So to go on the attack, no. The SLP has no response to that but just to encourage people to be mindful of the information that we put out there. It was not the SLP who called people jackasses. It was not the SLP who called Saint Lucians barking dogs. And so now to be referred to as monkeys, we know how we feel about this as it relates to racism, as it relates to slavery and we are a country moving forward,” Jawahir stated.

In addition, she said the SLP would continue addressing the needs of the people and fulfilling its manifesto promises.

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  1. we have more important matters to adhere to and attend to for St Lucia and not the crap i am now reading. All sorts of ilks and funny comments were made at former prime minister Mr. Allen Chastanet. address the needs of St. Lucians the crime, the high inflation and not bring to our table the fun made of Hon. Philip J. Pierre. I am not for any party here right now but as a St. Lucian we need to do what is right and not thrive on trivial matters such as this.


  3. Lisa get lost, you really think this has anything to do with UWP or the Opposition Leader. You want to sing for your money , go ahead and don’t the gentleman.

  4. But isnt this exactly why chastanet came out and denounced this type of behavior and said this was disrespectful way before anybody like you accused them of making such unsavory remarks. So many things and memes people did about chastanet when he was in power.

  5. One thing about you communications directors is that you guys are very quick to come running to wipe your masters behinds when they poop. Why is this even being made a serious issue than it is by the communications directors? Its like when they send Pawol that’s the only time yall have something to communicate about.

  6. Some many things people posted on social media when the former prime minister was in office.. Who do we think we are, especially when it comes to politics. people say so many things to the politicians during campaign. I am sure the shop owner can recall who was sitting there while the PM was having the snack. So did chastanet send the person over? People please stop behaving like secondary school students.

  7. Beeper stop making vacuous statements. Please say what has been said about the former PM that is remotely similar to this. Do not condone actions like these in the name of politics. This is despicable!

  8. I found the monkey meme to be distasteful, however, Philip J Pierre is a meme all by himself. When I saw that video with the PM rambling on about the “strategic location” of St Lucia, I honestly thought it was deep fake. Never been more embarrassed of a leader.

  9. Lisa – you’re part of today’s crime problems in St Lucia. Please address the issue at hand presently. Bring St Lucia back to the peaceful place it used to be where people can walk freely in their homeland and visitors and citizens can enjoy without being murdered.

  10. And this is not racist!? “We have understood their modus operandi of how they feel about Saint Lucians,” she stated.” SmpH,really! Wow…..

  11. This Jawahir woman is unbelievable. She is singing for her supper. Nothing special about her. She is no better than the ones she is attacking or criticizing. Her statement does not come across as an intelligent one at all.

  12. My concern is in all what is going on why did he choose cheeses to eat but ask us lucians to eat greenfigs. He should be munching on greenfig chips instead of cheeses. Be an example.

  13. Its obvious that this labour party has nothing to offer. No explanation for misleading the country while we are suffering . STOP SPREADING HATE. STOP IT ELECTIONS ARE OVER TIME TO GOVERN United pac is not Allan Chastnet. Labour party is obsessed with him so they don’t know what to do. Lisa find some ways or ideas for Phillip with these petty tricks.

  14. Hahhhhhhh fadda. Help us overcome fear because the main opposition is hitting very hard with his two balls left in the house . I’m fearful because trust me he’s gonna hit the hell out of the house 🤣🤣🤣. So no fear . Relax yourself.

  15. ,@Juice Neg…..let me say it for you because you swear you are slick (to the untrained non intellect) but I see your ass JUICE NEGRO. “Stop spending hate” is that joke or a rhetorical request ?? “The election is over and it’s time to govern “. You Clowns never fail to amaze me, not one God earthly day. This PM has been governing in the most positive ways in years since 1979. Yeah the Juice Negro from Marchland a local Black Boy is governing just fine. Allen Chastanet is more obcess with him every day that’s why he bitches constantly about everything he does. The Island of Saint Lucia is A BLACK COUNTRY been run by a BLACK MAN for all and not like YOUR Massa for some. The likes of you and those united pac of dogs will not deter him from the work that he is doing. So huff or puff he will not be detered by your negative energy.

  16. The UWPees are in a defensive mode on this thread ! What does this say ! Guiltiness. The X and his associates in high places are all birds of the same feather : Please don’t be part of the 40% !

  17. Oh please! Can you communicate the government’s plan to reduce crime, increase employment, reduce gas prices, make citizens feel safe? You come here with this nonsense! Enough with the distractions! Do the job you guys promised, fix the problems you said you were going to fix! Start with just one.

  18. Lisa it clearly shows that you have no work to do. Please represent us better than this. What does any of these things have to do with the opposition Leader or party. People get creative and sometimes have no empathy and do anything. Don’t waste your time on sweating the small stuff… geeeez!

  19. Chooooopse. You have a rabid hound insinuating stuff on Chastenet for five years. A press that has been completely bought with the bank robber in a cushy government job, a bomb hoaxer in a cushy government job, media house owners sitting on government boards, Janeka just interested in overthrowing Maundy to spew more labour falsehoods. For racist names I’ve heard Guy and Chastenet called. For the sickening vitriol from pretend Christians and New York based party hacks. The SLP followers have a particular air of superiority, an arrogance, an inbred racism and are generally just roro-icious.

  20. Sigh
    Lisa please go away. The country sees right through you like the teñ dollar sheer curtains at S&S .

    The political power couple ting you trying eh go work.

    Your need to be front and centre in the public light to create some type of political capital is rather annoying.
    Please stop darkening my news reels with your made up propaganda.
    Don’t you and the other cronies have work to do.
    When last I checked , we have runaway inflation,rampant crime and a very demotivated citizenry.
    If you must do something to justify your salary.,please focus on any of these issues.
    Thank you

  21. @ 40% looks like the UWPs touch a nerve. Last time I checked it was still a free country.
    Now the shoe is on the other foot you have a problem. Hypocrite!!!

  22. If Chastanet didn’t say anything she would have a problem too. So say something or nothing Lisa Jewahir would have a problem as well as the SLP. They will always have something to criticize about.


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