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Nancy Charles Echoes Controversial ‘Non-Entity’ Remark, Rejects Call For An Apology

United Workers Party (UWP) Mobilisation Officer Nancy Charles has echoed party leader Allen Chastanet’s controversial ‘non-entity’ remark regarding a female who bought a beachfront property at Bananes at a discounted price.

The ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) has called on Chastanet to apologise for the ‘disrespect’.

But Nancy Charles rejected the call, noting that the opposition leader had explained his meaning.

” I don’t know why anybody wants to say that Allen Chastanet has to come and apologise. For what?” Charles told the radio call-in programme Newsspin on Wednesday.

She explained that people know Rayneau Gajadhar as a developer and an investor.

But Charles said she did not know Gajadhar’s daughter or the daughter’s name.

In addition, the UWP Mobilisation Officer questioned whether the daughter had done any development in Saint Lucia and asked why the prime land was sold to her in her personal capacity rather than her business entity to develop the property.

Charles also took issue with the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Communications Director Lisa Jawahir, who called for Allen Chastanet to apologise over the ‘non-entity’ remark.

” I understand exactly what Lisa is doing. Lisa is being paid as the Communications Officer to cover up and to deflect,” the UWP official asserted.

Charles said she might be okay with selling the land at a discounted price since investors get deals and tax breaks.

However she indicated that the UWP wanted to know what the SLP, via Housing Minister Richard Frederick and the National Housing Corporation, was covering up in the sale of prime beach land.

According to Charles, the sale went to a young lady who is a ‘non-entity,’ especially regarding anything related to development in Saint Lucia.

“Why did we sell the land to her? Why did we give her such a discount? What is the justification? So when an investor comes we use justification. We say it is going to create employment, the investment is going to do this, it is going to do that,” she told Newsspin Host Timothy Poleon.

But Charles declared that no one knows why the government sold the property and what would become of the land.



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  1. Nancy we the Cepals would like you, Dominic,Guy and Allen to be out of UWP. UWP is no longer the UWP we once knew with all you in it.

  2. smh, you see all among the woman taking what he said and twist it into context to fool people and another thing as well they mentioned it to be prime beach land but isnt the beach part of the queens chain and cant be sold

  3. I agree with you Mrs. Charles. Everybody knows the young lady’s father but not her. Why would they not have done this transaction in the name of a company?

  4. What is entity and non entity?
    Something that is an entity exists, and if you are considered a nonentity, you might as well not exist. A political nonentity has no power, and a social nonentity blends in with the wallpaper. Not only people are considered nonentities; groups or things can be nonentities too.

    so whats the big fuss? Just to make people who dont know what it means think that what was said was so degrading? its like Lisa Jawahir just decided ohh lets use this against him to make saint lucians more stupid than they already are.

  5. A property is sold that appears to have been ‘discounted’ by millions of dollars.
    When you discount a valuable item for millions you effectively forgo those millions that someone else now possess that they can access for themselves through a sale or development.
    Some of us in life are just so lucky. Millions obtained just like finding a chest of gold in the sand on Vigie beach!
    Just so happens that this found ‘chest of gold’ was a property formerly the possession of the citizens of St Lucia but now held by a ‘nonentity’.
    A ‘nonentity’ who contrary to custom and commonsense never gave any idea as to what was to be done for the benefit of the country, has no track record of such an undertaking in her resume but miraculously obtains a million dollar property for peanuts at the expense of Lucians.
    Reminds me of something called ‘family & friends’. Now where did I hear this before?
    On a serious note. Is this legal? Does this sale make any sense. Is ther a document outlining the economic rational for the sale?
    Where is the paper trail leading eventually to the sale of the property? A request for purchase outlining the proposal, a reply and negotiations.
    What are the commercial connections between the characters involved?
    Can there be any investigation where we get phone call records and WhatsApp messages between the persons involved.
    It appears to stink to high heaven but this is St Lucia where over $300 million seems to have been spent on an incomplete hospital with no light shed on that economic fiasco.
    We like it so!

  6. Non Entity ! Look who is taking about giving away PRIME BEACH FRONT for nothing……at least she payed more than USD$ 1.00 for it. Chastanet gave away our birthright for USD$ 1.00 for 99 years to DHS, investment without divident, no profit sharing, no collection of VAT on Entity’s by the developers for 99yrs, no guarantee of employment to St Lucians I rest my case, we are all non in intellects to their crap. I AGREE we should not sell anymore of our beachfront to foreigners LEASE ONLY St Lucia should be for St Lucians . You see why these criminals want to come back in office.

  7. Anyone who lies to you simply doesn’t respect you. It is that simple. SLP insults the intelligence of the people, they lie to them and turn them into mules – this is the worst human insult. SLP takes any phrase out of context, change the meaning and insult the hacks. I support the fact Chas refuse to apologize and he repeated the phrase again during his interview. Enough is enough with this nonesense from the SLP. There are intelligent folks in slu – not only the ones with low IQ who can hear you

  8. The young lady who purchased the land is an Indian from Morne Ciseau. She is said to be the daughter of the famous UWP George Eugene. Now Allen has referred to her a non entity. I want to tell Allen that he has disrespected us the Indian decent and we will not accept this. While the negroes are fighting one another we the Indians are close to each other. We do not want anything less than an apology.

  9. Nancy why can’t you keep your mouth shut ? Please shut up. People like you that’s the downfall of he party Lucian’s are tired of you . Do like hermangail , shut the hell up. Mr chasnet ask that woman to suffer in silence and let the party move forward. Please .

  10. Both of the political parties are corrupt and thief s all they are after is money and enslave the working poor with vat and taxes how can the system have over 80 percent of the people working for 3 to 5 EC dollars an hour even the labour department is a sell out


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