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WATCH: Cabot Saint Lucia Training Saint Lucians To Become Caddies, Professional Golfers


Point Hardy Golf Club at Cabot Saint Lucia is opening up the doors of opportunity to Saint Lucians who aspire to pursue a career as caddies or to become professional golfers and trainers.

The Point Hardy Golf Club Caddy Programme has seen several locals being trained at the highest level by world-class Golfing professionals.

More in this report:


SOURCE: Cabot Saint Lucia

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  1. i sincerely hope these “caddies” are paid justly, and that their monthly NIC dues are paid by Cabot. All praises and glory for now ….

  2. Respect Lab, what about the people who lost trail rides and hikes and any access to casenbas, secret, donkey beaches via walking from surrounding neighborhoods!!!!! No ACCESS…Or 4×4 driving to donkey beach u think they all,we all are happy to see 7 phockin caddies!….. smph @ Cabutt.,.. hundreds of trees, cactuses desicrated on north tip of St. Lucia for this s&m sheet…..woiii they better give back ALOT more to the people of this island nation.


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