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Omar Defreitas Vehicle Found In Cap Estate

Police have found a vehicle belonging to Omar Defreitas in a Cap Estate pond.

Defreitas and his vehicle disappeared on January 6 when he left a staff party at the Sandals Golf and Country Club at Cap Estate.

“We have responded to a report in the Cap Estate area, the golf swamp area and so far we have discovered a vehicle, that of Mr. Defreitas,” Deputy Police Commissioner Ronald Philip told reporters.

Philip said the discovery occurred at about 7:00 am, and police were processing the scene.

“Since we were able to confirm the number as that of the missing vehicle from January 6, we are treating that as a homicide which is customary,” the senior police officer explained.

At the time he spoke, the vehicle was partially submerged.

As a result, Philip said he could not confirm what was inside.

“The possibility exists there may or may not be a body. Not until we take the vehicle out of the water then I’ll be able to confirm, he stated.

He disclosed that the investigation into the disappearance of Omar Defreitas and his vehicle has always been active.

“With missing persons, you just never know. We have searched islandwide. We have been searching for the vehicle,” Philip stated.

“We have had a dry spell so these swamps in the area, some of the water levels would have dropped,” Philip told reporters.

He recalled that searches, backed up by air support, have occurred in the entire area.

And Philip told reporters that Marine Police divers were in the water.

However he observed that the divers were not crime scene officers but could confirm basics such as the vehicle number plate.

Nevertheless, Philip explained that once the vehicle was out of the water, there would be a thorough investigation by Crime Scene officers.

“We have to preserve the integrity of the so-called exhibit. We may very well be dealing with a homicide investigation or it may very well be an accident,” Philip stated.

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  1. From all indication CCTV footage can only determine the occupant of the car that leaves the scene otherwise he may have just lost control or mechanical mishap could lead him to his demised. It’s sad but at least the family can put closure to his disappearance. Realistically looking at our road structure while it may be recognized as a well connected pathway develop into a drive way network in 2023 we have over grown road ways and fish pond highway to show that we are growing economically and hospitality. It probably would have been too late to save him if found minutes after but there is an end and it has come. RIP bro.

  2. Come on, reporters. Is it a man-made swamp, pool, sea coast, etc.? Does a “regular” road lead to it? Better initial reporting is needed

  3. Good Police work, after three months of searching the missing car was found on the crime scene. It is all elementary nothing difficult all elementary.

  4. Well here it is he left the party dead drunk and drove into the pond and died. I hope its an accident and not a homicide

  5. Im in Disbelief that this place wasnt checked in the FIRST PLACE!!..

    Wow…the search party, not one of you suggested to check that pond RIGHT BESIDE the Golf Club where he was last seen?

    Whether or not the water level has declined due to dry spells…a small dinghy should have combed this place.


  6. seeing the vehicle in the water like this!! sad!!! i was indeed hoping that Omar and/or the vehicle would be found….there are so many questions i need answers too…..first of all, if i am correct to my knowledge, it was foot and aerial searches that were conducted, im only now reading about marine search…secondly, it doesnt have to take a marine officer to be a crime scene officer to notice a vehicle or something white down in the water…. how far did they search is the question…..thirdly, i would not want to think a car is right there in the water and they could not find it…..was the vehicle driven there??? if so, tire marks or patterns in the grass/bush would leave a clue…..did anyone see when he left the party? in which direction did he go? is there a road leading towards the pond in heading home? if not, i believe something is not right here even if he had a car failure…..

  7. @ i cah understand this whole thing.
    They never did any marine search. Cause if they had done one they would have found the car a long time ago. Its only as the water started drying up that the bottom of the car is starting to show so someone who saw this alerted the police and its now alone the marine police are in the pound diving in the murky water. Also it would be difficult to see a white car in the pound cause like I said the water is murky so with it submerged deep under the water in the initial stages it would have never been seen till now

  8. A small boat and a stick in any body of water in the vicinity where the victim was last seen. Would have solved this case months ago. Sad 😔. I would recommend St Lucian investigators watch episodes of Forensic files as part of their training

  9. This is a man made pond, but very dark green in colour full of moss, if the divers were equipped perhaps they would have found it. I just found it strange no one saw when it entered there. This area probably has CCTV, hopefully it would help.

  10. I’m reading all the “Armchair Forensic Experts” … there are so many of you!! You all need jobs!!

  11. @ GW: If it could not be seen, it could still could have been discovered with the use of a metal detector. It therefore could have been felt if not seen.

  12. They were in the waters, they searched island wide my foot 🦶. Did they dive into the real moccoi, the waters on property (the pounds) . ??????????
    My deepest condolences to the family and friends.


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