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Met Office Expects Weekend Improvement In Inclement Weather


The Saint Lucia Meteorological Services expects inclement weather bringing heavy rainfall and flooding to some parts of the Island, to improve at the weekend.

Officer in Charge Venantius Descartes explained that the rainfall was due to a surface-to-low pressure trough moving into the area along with moisture from the South.

Descartes expected the system to weaken by Wednesday afternoon, although the moisture would still be around.

As a result, he told St Lucia Times that the rainfall is expected to continue into Thursday before an improvement by the weekend.

However, he noted that it had not been raining everywhere.

According to Descartes, the rain was heavy on Tuesday on a drive from Castries to Bexon and Dennery.

“By the time I reached Dennery to Mon Repos there was no rain,” he recalled.

Headline photo from social media.


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