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Missing Woman Found


A fifty-year-old businesswoman of Guesneau, Castries, reported missing after leaving her home on Tuesday for Baywalk Shopping Mall in Rodney Bay, has been found.

On Thursday afternoon a family member confirmed that Bertha Eugene was in the company of relatives.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. If you guys cannnot say where the lady was found why ask us to look for her. In who s company was she, was she upducted hiding or needed a break from life.

  2. She was seen by the Castries Market with Grocery bags how was She Missing .Its Time police arrest and Charged persons for Making Reports of Missing persons when they know Very well of the Persons Whereabouts

  3. Why is it “so” important that we know ‘all” details? and why shouldn’t relatives raise the Alarm if they haven’t seen a family member for days? I for one think it is better to do so and find that the person just skipped out for a little me time, than to find them dead and decomposing! cause you all ( who are expressing disgust ) will be the first to say ” WHY ” didn’t make a report? As far as I know, making a report is encouraged. we as citizens can or may decide to help search we are not being forced to.

  4. I was concerned that it may have been a medical issue – however; she was found and I thank God. Amen

  5. So it was not a little space ship that swept her away, thank goodness
    But what about the little 3yr old deaf & mute at Soufriere that’s been missing for months? what happened, no word, nothing, poor old granny who said how she loved him, Lord we need your help in this one.


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