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Saint Lucia Stepping Up Immunisation Amid A Decline In Vaccination Rates

Saint Lucia is stepping up its immunisation drive, amid a decline in routine vaccinations in the Caribbean.

The Caribbean and Latin America have seen the biggest decline in routine immunisation of any region in the world, sliding from 93 per cent to an alarming 75 per cent over the last 10 years.

More in this report from Julita Peter:

SOURCE: Ministry of Health, Wellness & Elderly Affairs/SLT

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  1. Possibly due to the stupidity from anti vaccers since the COVID-19 pandemic. I tell you our people have to be among the most ignorant anywhere on this globe.

  2. Roman…educate yourself…but above all open your mind to the other side of things rather than what you have been TOLD for the past three years.

    The mask have been deemed useless..
    The Vaccine deemed useless.

    Please go educate yourself…there are e thousands and thousands of reported injuries due to the vaccine…ofcourse it isn’t reported for the sake of liability…which mind you has been waived of it’s producers are untouchables…now why would you ensure that this is in place straight away even before the vaccines were mass produced..?

    Go look at Dr.John Campbell…all his reports are credible, authenticated and available to the public eye.

    Wake up Sir…. wake up….you were taken for a ride… Heads will roll…I assure you

  3. Probably amidst immense levels of erudition and elucidation on the adverse effects of the so called vaccine. We don’t want this here. Sl times please post my comment. Thanks

  4. Eat the effing healthy food that you are blessed with growing from the soil and stop eating from a box or tin and believe what comes in a tube will help you.. That same 93% fake shit data is more productive once giving the same platform to operate. Once you eat over process food then you must be immunized

  5. @roman….pay jel ou…..wat is causing our young ladies especially to jus fall and die in slu these days? I find u rude…..let people be responsible for themselves and kids how they want….vax is a dam choice……let ppl alone…the world will still turn whether u n I like it or not

  6. More guinea pigs in the name of Science, Bill is on a role.

    God is going to reward you Bill & Co, for saving the world.

    Wake up people!


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