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Cabot Sponsors Mainstage, Community Jazz

2023- Cabot Saint Lucia has announced its support of the 2023 Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival.

Saint Lucia’s premier music and arts festival is set to make a comeback next month after a
three-year hiatus and Cabot Saint Lucia is the latest business to sign on as a collateral

The company is thrilled to partner with the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority by investing in the
legacy impact of the festival on the national economy and by supporting the Creative

“I think that Cabot will attract to Saint Lucia a new segment of tourists. Tourists that are
affluent, will stay on the island for longer periods of time and are in search of festivals like
Jazz. Overall, I think that we will be able to increase the number of visitors on the island
who will support the festival and continue to promote it on a global stage,” says the Vice
Chair of Cabot Saint Lucia, Kristine Thompson.

Speaking on Cabot’s Jazz sponsorship, PR Manager of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority,
Geraine Georges, had this to say.

“We know the value that Cabot brings to the communities and what their belief is for the
development of our communities and our people. And so, we are thankful to have Cabot
Saint Lucia onboard with the Saint Lucia Jazz and Arts Festival this year.”

The economic impact of the festival on local communities is a core objective of the festival.
This philosophy is one that is shared by Cabot Saint Lucia and is experienced through its
many initiatives across towns and villages in the country.

For the first time, Cabot is backing the relaunch of the “Monchy Mizik En Kweyol,” popularly known as Monchy Jazz.

The fringe event seeks to bring tangible economic benefits to the local residents. Co-Director of Monchy Mizik En Kweyol, Christal Riviere, says that she is excited about the event’s relaunch and is grateful for Cabot’s involvement as a partner.

“Support from organisations like Cabot Saint Lucia is very important to us as a team.
Without the support, we would not be able to put on the show. And we really have to
consider the positive impact on those benefitting from the show.”

“The people who stand to benefit the most are the vendors in the community. From our
previous events, a number of vendors have testified to making more than enough money to purchase books and supplies to send their children to school,” expresses Riviere.

Positive testimonials like these motivate Cabot to keep pouring resources into community-
level economic development.

“We felt very strongly that the community Monchy Jazz Festival offered something quite
different. We wanted to make sure that the benefits that were being generated by jazz were tricking down to all levels of society.”

“What we really loved about this was the community economic development aspect. Apart
from economic development, on the community level, it is a platform for the expression of
culture,” says Cabot’s Kristine Thompson

The Cabot Sponsored, Monchy Mizik En Kweyol on May 9, is expected to draw a star-
studded lineup of local entertainment, while the May 5–14 Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts main stage festival will host acts from Saint Lucia and across the world.

Cabot is calling on all Saint Lucians to come out and enjoy the festival.

SOURCE: Cabot Saint Lucia


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  1. Look how Labour cause so much divisiveness to gain power. They had people flocking the beach…Jack Beach is mine. They gave their media talk shows scripts to bash people and there they are embracing these people and kicking these foot soldiers to the curb. Cabot, Sean Mathews to name a few. What a deceitful government. Peep is the most treacherous man to even rule this country.

  2. St Lucians cannot even go to a beach in ‘Cabot Estate” – we cannot kite surf, cannot picnic, cannot trek, cannot do nothing there – anymore!!!

    Gaslighting again!!

  3. Has Cabot addressed all the environmental concerns raised by SLNT?!

    But I didn’t notice any press releases.

    See that shows with a bit of pressure National Trusts around the region we can get these developers to comply and addressed all concerns.

  4. Are they ever going to hold true to their promises and fix the roads in Cap Estate???? The residents can’t even come and go on our own roads without massive damage to vehicles! Promised they would fix it when done building. That’s almost a year now and NOTHING!!! Cabot doesn’t care about St Lucia or its people!!!


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